Suffixes(s) ==
(* The set of suffixes of the sequence s, including the empty sequence. *)
{ SubSeq(s, l, Len(s)) : l \in 1..Len(s) } \cup {<<>>}
@TLAPlusOperator(identifier = "Suffixes", module = "SequencesExt", warn = false)
public static Value Suffixes(final Value s) {
final TupleValue seq = (TupleValue) s.toTuple();
if (seq == null) {
throw new EvalException(EC.TLC_MODULE_ARGUMENT_ERROR,
new String[] { "first", "Suffixes", "sequence", Values.ppr(s.toString()) });
final Value[] vals = new Value[seq.elems.length + 1];
// \cup {<<>>}
vals[0] = TupleValue.EmptyTuple;
// Add the elements in reverse order to implicitly normalize the SetEnumValue.
for (int i = seq.elems.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final Value[] suffix = new Value[seq.elems.length - i];
System.arraycopy(seq.elems, i, suffix, 0, seq.elems.length - i);
vals[seq.elems.length - i] = new TupleValue(suffix);
// Decided against calling "normalize" as a safeguard, even though "vals" will
// be normalized. This is because "normalize," albeit performing a single pass
// over "vals" for a normalized input, still compares elements, which can be
// expensive: return new SetEnumValue(vals, false).normalize();
return new SetEnumValue(vals, true);