tlaplus / PlusPy

Python interpreter for TLA+ specifications
MIT License
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Regression test 11 fails #1

Closed paschembri closed 4 years ago

paschembri commented 4 years ago

Hello, thank you for sharing PlusPy.

I just cloned the repository and tried to run tests with ./regres.scr and the test 11 failed. I tried to run directly ./pluspy -S0 -c100 Exprs and I got can't load TLC : fatal error.

I believe the TLC module is missing. I'll link a pull request.

lemmy commented 4 years ago

It has been renamed to TLCExt

paschembri commented 4 years ago

Mmm. I cannot make the test 11 succeed when renaming TLC to TLCExt. However, with the TLC.tla file it does work... TLCExt misses SortSeq used in Exprs.tla.

lemmy commented 4 years ago

PlusPy should indeed use TLC's version of TLC.tla. The operators JSignal, JSignalReturn, and JWait should be added to TLCExt.tla of the CommunityModules to make sure tools stay compatible.

lemmy commented 4 years ago

Places that have to be checked:

markus@avocado:PlusPy(master)$ grep -r TLC .
./        return "TLC!Assert(_, _)"
./        return "TLC!JavaTime()"
./        return "TLC!Print(_)"
./        return "TLC!TPrint(_)"
./        return "TLC!RandomElement(_)"
./        return "TLC!ToString(_)"
./ = {}
./ TLCSetWrapper(Wrapper):
./        return "TLC!TLCSet(_, _)"
./        TLCvars[args[0]] = args[1]
./ TLCGetWrapper(Wrapper):
./        return "TLC!TLCGet(_)"
./        return TLCvars[args[0]]
./["TLC"] = {
./    "TLCSet": TLCSetWrapper(),
./    "TLCGet": TLCGetWrapper(),
./        return "TLC!JWait(_)"
./        return "TLC!JSignalReturn(_,_)"
./["TLC"] = {
./ the new JWait/JSignalReturn interfaces in TLC, threads can use
./ can be used with the TLC model checker or TLAPS to validate your code.  The
./modules/lib/TLCExt.tla:------------------------------- MODULE TLCExt ----------------------------------
./modules/lib/TLCExt.tla:\* This module provides some compatibility with the TLC module
./modules/lib/Bags.tla:EXTENDS TLC
./modules/lib/Bags.tla:  (* but rather one that TLC can evaluate.                                *)
./modules/other/BlockingQueueSplit.tla:EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences, FiniteSets, TLCExt
./modules/other/Exprs.tla:EXTENDS Integers, Sequences, FiniteSets, Bags, TLC
./modules/other/NBosco.tla:EXTENDS Naturals, FiniteSets, TLC
./modules/other/Bosco.tla:EXTENDS Naturals, FiniteSets, TLC
./modules/other/BinBosco.tla:EXTENDS Naturals, FiniteSets, TLC
rvanren commented 4 years ago

I forgot to add TLC.tla to the modules/lib directory. It's now there. Apologies. Thanks for trying it out and reporting the issue

lemmy commented 4 years ago

The following operators are currently both defined in TLC.tla and TLCExt.tla.

ToString(v) == (CHOOSE x \in [a : v, b : STRING] : TRUE).b
Print(out, val) == IF IOPut("fd", "stdout", out) THEN val ELSE val
PrintT(out) == Print(out, TRUE)

Any == CHOOSE x : x \notin { "Any" }
rvanren commented 4 years ago

I can probably remove those. Let me check

rvanren commented 4 years ago

Removed those lines. Thanks!