Nunchaku failed with error code 1.
could not parse `./nunchaku/tmp_nun_pb_7.nun`
parse error at file './nunchaku/tmp_nun_pb_7.nun': line 4, col 8 to 9
The contents of the file is:
# Initial commands.
include "prelude.nun".
# End of initial commands.
goal ~ (1 != 2).
Remark: there should be no counter-model to this in the theory of natural numbers. But even without extending Naturals, the PM currently proves 1 # 2. The plan is to keep this behaviour in v2 of the PM.
Resuts in a parsing error of the backend:
The contents of the file is:
Remark: there should be no counter-model to this in the theory of natural numbers. But even without extending Naturals, the PM currently proves
1 # 2
. The plan is to keep this behaviour in v2 of the PM.