tlaplus / vscode-tlaplus

TLA+ language support for Visual Studio Code
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Add document for configuration of TLC worker and heap size #154

Open andylokandy opened 4 years ago

andylokandy commented 4 years ago

I found it quite unclear how to run TLC on multicore. Here is the solution I figured out and I put it here for others that might need:


tmasternak commented 4 years ago

I had a similar problem when trying to disable deadlock detection. I found TLC Options page with model checker command-line options when running from tlctools and figured out that they can be set in settings.json eg.:

    "tlaplus.tlc.modelChecker.options": "-deadlock"
alygin commented 4 years ago

@andylokandy, @tmasternak, there's a Wiki section of the project with description of all the provided settings, including a detailed description of how to set Java options.

But you're right, there should be a separate how-to section with description of common use cases.

tmasternak commented 4 years ago

@alygin thank you for the response. Here is more context for my scenario. I found documentation on how to change the setting in the TLA+ Toolbox UI and was trying to figure out what does this translate in terms of settings.

If I could help in any way just let me know.