tlberglund / groovy-liquibase

Yet Another Groovy DSL for Liquibase
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Bug : sqlFile change #1

Closed ErwinvanBrandwijk closed 13 years ago

ErwinvanBrandwijk commented 13 years ago

I tried to use sqlFile but I keep getting an error:

    Liquibase Update Failed: Unknown Reason
    SEVERE 3/7/11 4:15 PM:liquibase: Unknown Reason
at liquibase.change.core.SQLFileChange.loadFromFileSystem(

at liquibase.change.core.SQLFileChange.init(

    For more information, use the --logLevel flag)
at liquibase.changelog.visitor.ValidatingVisitor.visit(
at liquibase.changelog.DatabaseChangeLog.validate(
at liquibase.Liquibase.update(
at liquibase.integration.commandline.Main.doMigration(
at liquibase.integration.commandline.Main.main(

This is the changeset: changeSet(author: "erwin", id: "10") { comment("dump")

    sqlFile(path: "dump.sql") 

Also tried: changeSet(author: "erwin", id: "10") { comment("dump")

    sqlFile(path: "/home/fook/workspace/Groovy-Liquibase/dump.sql")  

And changeSet(author: "erwin", id: "10") { comment("dump")

    sqlFile(path: "~/workspace/Groovy-Liquibase/dump.sql", 
    stripComments: false, splitStatements: true, encoding: "utf8", 
            endDelimiter: ";") 

And (editted changeSetDelegate sqlFile I added relativeToChangelogFile) changeSet(author: "erwin", id: "10") { comment("dump")

    sqlFile(path: "dump.sql", relativeToChangelogFile: true,
    stripComments: false, splitStatements: true, encoding: "utf8", 
            endDelimiter: ";") 

None of them worked.

tlberglund commented 13 years ago

Should be fixed in SHA: 51f01067431c2135d3b8ce21fa63685992425a6d. I ran the following changelog, and a table was created:

databaseChangeLog() {
  new File('test.sql').withPrintWriter { pw ->
    pw.println "CREATE TABLE monkey (id int, mood varchar(50))"

  changeSet(id:'monkey', author: 'tlberglund') {
    sqlFile(path: 'test.sql')
ErwinvanBrandwijk commented 13 years ago

It is working now, great. You should at relativeToChangelogFile.

 void sqlFile(Map params) {
   def change = makeChangeFromMap(SQLFileChange, params, ['path', 'stripComments', 'splitStatements', 'encoding', 'endDelimiter','relativeToChangelogFile'])
   change.resourceAccessor = resourceAccessor

changelog changeSet(author: "erwin", id: "1"){ sqlFile(path: "dump.sql", stripComments: true, splitStatements: true, endDelimiter: ";", encoding: "utf8", relativeToChangelogFile: false) }

changeSet(author: "erwin", id: "2"){
    sqlFile(path: "dump1.sql", stripComments: true, splitStatements: true, endDelimiter: ";", encoding: "utf8", relativeToChangelogFile: true)

It works on my fork, so just a little change.

ErwinvanBrandwijk commented 13 years ago

Closing this issue. Solved.

relativeToChangelogFile has his own issue.