tldr-pages / tldr

📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
49.25k stars 4.06k forks source link

vulkaninfo: add page #13203

Open Managor opened 3 days ago

Managor commented 3 days ago
spageektti commented 3 days ago

Does it work only for Linux because it has documentation for Linux, Windows, and iOS?

Managor commented 3 days ago

Most probably. I tend to always put new commands under Linux because that's the platform I verify it on.

fazlearefin commented 2 days ago

This should be moved to the common folder as it is not solely meant for linux.

As for the More information doc link, the following 3 links all point to the same page:

So if tldr page is moved to common, I am not sure which link should be used for doc. This link is a possible candidate as it has at least links to easily navigate to all OS versions: