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Let's document: aws #5653

Open Waples opened 3 years ago

Waples commented 3 years ago
Waples commented 3 years ago

@bl-ue whenever you are bored :P #HelpWanted :p

bl-ue commented 3 years ago

Haha @Waples did you happen to see this: #5212?

bl-ue commented 3 years ago

@Waples it looks like you might have removed all occurences of the letter o in the above command list 😄, e.g. alexafrbusiness, wrkmailmessageflw, applicatin-autscaling

Waples commented 3 years ago

@Waples it looks like you might have removed all occurences of the letter o in the above command list , e.g. alexafrbusiness, wrkmailmessageflw, applicatin-autscaling

Owh haha, think i was a bit too agressive with my %s/\so^/g ish replace then xD will fix that in a second @bl-ue

Waples commented 3 years ago

Fixed it =D

Waples commented 3 years ago

@bl-ue didn't see that issue before, but that goes in a bit too deep with ALL the commands. I was thinking more like, for example

bl-ue commented 3 years ago

You're right, that's why I closed it. But I wanted to link it for reference 👍🏻

Waples commented 3 years ago

I'm gonna make some time today to add at least 15 examples, but I don't know what the best course of action is, a seperate branch for every page added or in one big PR ? @bl-ue what ya want

bl-ue commented 3 years ago

The former @Waples. Please open 1 PR per new page. It makes it easier to review the changes.

It would certainly be great if we could document all of the aws subcommands—I'd say they're probably looked for often 🤷🏻

Waples commented 3 years ago

Organization status, here I come. xD

Waples commented 3 years ago

I'd say they're probably looked for often 🤷🏻 sounds a bit sarcastic xD

bl-ue commented 3 years ago

Haha no I wasn't intended to be sarcastic actually :)

sbrl commented 3 years ago

Oh wow, that's an enormous list @Waples! I'd suggest starting small, and opening just 1 or 2 PRs for 1 or 2 pages at a time to get used to the tldr page syntax if you haven't already got experience with the review process.

258204 commented 3 years ago

Starting one on secrets manager now.

258204 commented 3 years ago

Starting s3api and cur

258204 commented 3 years ago

Might do ecs and eks next, everyone loves container orchestration.

bl-ue commented 3 years ago

And do ecr — I'm going to upload some Docker images to ECR just today, and it would be cool to know how to use aws ecr! 🙂

258204 commented 3 years ago

I will start on ecr first then.

258204 commented 3 years ago

It's a spiderweb. You need a tldr of docker-login for a tldr or aws ecr.

258204 commented 3 years ago

This actually brings up an important question. The authoritative documentation is more complete (eg., however, the quick start guide is much more useful to get to know a new tool. It would deviate from the standard, but pages that include both would be more useful.

258204 commented 3 years ago

Also need to add a short one for docker-tag

258204 commented 3 years ago

And docker-image....


bl-ue commented 3 years ago

Hmm, I'm not really sure. The first page does provide a lot more information directly related to the CLI (36 addition subcommands). The second page is tuned for beginners but isn't actually about the CLI.

I'm probably inclined to keep the first link, because it seems like a user who goes to that link might be looking for more info on how to use the tool itself, but there's equal argument for both links, so I'm chasing my own tail here. 😅

258204 commented 3 years ago

The second link mirrors the same steps for cli and gui.

sbrl commented 3 years ago

I would suggest that for more information links subpages of (e.g. are more directly relevant to each individual page.

The generic user guide looks useful, but not specifically to the aws subcommand being documented.

258204 commented 3 years ago

Thanks @sbrl, I agree.

258204 commented 3 years ago

And docker-image....


It's already there, my mistake, my package manager just didn't have the latest version of tldr.

258204 commented 2 years ago

rds #6547

Waples commented 2 years ago

Thanks for all your work @258204 ! I've been very busy (work/private), hence why I didn't add anything so far to my "todo" list. I'll take a look at the state of the AWS API tomorrow, to see if new services need to be added to the list. I might have some time tomorrow to write some tldr pages, time will tell.

subhash-iiitm commented 1 year ago

aws sts #8669

piraces commented 1 year ago

aws pricing #8804

piraces commented 1 year ago

aws history #8805

piraces commented 1 year ago

aws configure #8808

bryanmg commented 1 year ago

Hi! I'll work on sqs command file

bryanmg commented 1 year ago

aws-sqs: add page #9085

Waples commented 1 year ago

Thank you @piraces @bryanmg for all your work!

Waples commented 1 year ago

Note to self: check if the list still up to date with the v2 (and beta v3) version of aws-cli

the0001 commented 11 months ago

First timer trying to help.

aws-batch: add page #10591

the0001 commented 10 months ago

aws-cloudwatch: add page #10614

the0001 commented 10 months ago

aws-cloud9: add page #10627

Sourav-Kumar-Panda commented 9 months ago

Can I work on this?

kbdharun commented 9 months ago

Can I work on this?


Sourav-Kumar-Panda commented 9 months ago

I am new to open source, could you please guide me? and what are the things I should follow in order to solve this issue

nkzren commented 8 months ago

I'm new. Can I help?

aws-codeartifact: add page

sbrl commented 7 months ago

Hey, @Sourav-Kumar-Panda, @nkzren! You don't need to ask - just open a pull request with a new page :-)

Waples commented 7 months ago

Update from myself: I might do some work with Sagemaker in the near future (on boto3 level), so I might document something for those items.

Sourav-Kumar-Panda commented 7 months ago

Hey, @Waples , please check the PR #11570

Sourav-Kumar-Panda commented 7 months ago

aws-eks: add page. #11577

sebastiaanspeck commented 6 months ago

When looking at, there is a note about a new CLI version:

[!NOTE] You are viewing the documentation for an older major version of the AWS CLI (version 1). AWS CLI version 2, the latest major version of AWS CLI, is now stable and recommended for general use. To view this page for the AWS CLI version 2, click here.

Should we update the pages to match the new version?

kbdharun commented 6 months ago

Should we update the pages to match the new version?

Yeah, we should also check for any changed syntax and update it (if a subcommand/flag got deprecated we should mention it is only available in v1).