tleyden / open-ocr

Run your own OCR-as-a-Service using Tesseract and Docker
Apache License 2.0
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engine_args is ignored when specify preprocessor #51

Open yazin opened 8 years ago

yazin commented 8 years ago

I try to use preproceccors. I post request like following:

curl -X 8080 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"img_url":"", "engine":"tesseract", "preprocessors": ["stroke-width-transform"], "engine_args":{"lang":"jpn"}}'

But, result I got is invalid, it look like English traineddata is used for Japanese text.

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In server log:

 00:56:05.939277 OCR_TESSERACT: cmdArgs: [/tmp/4ff50eb5-c8db-47b8-651f-293becc5641e /tmp/4ff50eb5-c8db-47b8-651f-293becc5641e]

There is no -l jpn args.

Then I post request like following:

curl -X 8080 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"img_url":"", "engine":"tesseract", "engine_args":{"lang":"jpn"}}'

Result seems good.

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領収 書

犯ー3 彙m 月 惣日 捌
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合計 \ーL 400円

現 金 支払 \ーー,伽円

車輌番号 m2732


日興 動車鎚爛



I think engine_args is ignored when specify preprocessor.

I use OpenOCR with Docker-Compose on Ubuntu 14.04.

tleyden commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the delay, and thanks for posting this! I think it's probably a valid bug.