tlienart / Franklin.jl

(yet another) static site generator. Simple, customisable, fast, maths with KaTeX, code evaluation, optional pre-rendering, in Julia.
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[Feature request] BibTeX / Literature in Franklin #555

Open kellertuer opened 4 years ago

kellertuer commented 4 years ago

Thanks for this nice package, it looks neat and seems easy to use so far.

Would it be possible to integrate for example Bibliography.jl to have a Publication List (maybe even literature in single pages/blog posts at the bottom)? That would be awesome. Especially a publication list would be nice to have (and my starting point to not only play with Franklin but actually switch).

tlienart commented 4 years ago

So Bibliography.jl doesn't work for me (it's also not registered) but here's a prototype with BibTeX.jl which should show you how things can work; this is with the sandbox template

# Test with BibTex.jl

Some text here etc

## References

{{show_refs coleridge almendro maron}}


using BibTeX

function ref_item(ref, infos)
    io = IOBuffer()

    author = infos["author"]
    author_last, author_first = strip.(split(author, ","))

    write(io, "<li id=\"#$ref\">")
    write(io, """$author_first $author_last, <span style="font-style:italic;">$(infos["title"])</span>, $(infos["date"]).""")
    write(io, "</li>")
    return String(take!(io))

function hfun_show_refs(refs)
    _, allrefs = parse_bibtex(read(joinpath("_assets", "bibex.bib"), String))
    out = IOBuffer()
    write(out, "<ul>")
    for ref in refs
        infos = get(allrefs, ref, nothing)
        isnothing(infos) && continue
        write(out, ref_item(ref, infos))
    write(out, "</ul>")
    return String(take!(out))

and that's it. The example bib file I'm using is this one and is saved in _assets/bibex.bib


Screenshot 2020-07-16 at 12 37 01


tlienart commented 4 years ago

hmm this could do the job: though it can't handle accents apparently; a good start nonetheless. accents:

kellertuer commented 4 years ago

Oh sorry, I wasn't aware that Bibliography.jl is not yet registered, I just saw a propotype with that and Documenter recently and since I am thinking of moving my page from Jekyll to Franklin and this is the only thing I am not yet sure about... this might be a good thing to discuss here.

So yes of course, BibTeXFormat and things are a good way, too. I will check. Concerning Accents, my usual bib-files are from BibLaTeX using UTF8, then accents should also be not a problem.

tlienart commented 4 years ago

Right then in your case you should be able to "just" use my solution tweaking for the desired look. You could also use BibTexFormat but I'm not sure it will help you massively

kellertuer commented 4 years ago

I will try that then, maybe next week maybe during JuliaCon and report back.

j-fu commented 3 years ago

Hi, while the above variant with BibTex.jl essentially worked (kudos for being able to parse my messy bibfile after only a few fixes!), presentation of the results in html is quite hard to achieve. OTOH if you have pandoc and pandoc-citeproc installed, you can make use of the vast library of CSL styles available, e.g. you will find there ieee.csl.

Assuming a bibliography mypapers.bib in _assets, this can be achieved in the following way: Write a "hfun" calling pandoc which writes a the html formatted bibliography to stdout:

function hfun_pub()
    read(`pandoc -f markdown+yaml_metadata_block+citations+raw_html _assets/ --filter pandoc-citeproc --csl=_assets/ieee.csl --bibliography=_assets/mypapers.bib   --mathjax`,String)

In, you just write the yaml header with the bibtex keys (these dots etc. matter) :

nocite: |

E.g. in you write

# Publications

I had this up and running for some custom static site building, now I am a proud owner of a Franklin.jl based homepage ;-).

kellertuer commented 3 years ago

This looks really really nice, thanks Jürgen! I will take a closer look hopefully soon.

tlienart commented 3 years ago

beautiful! that's something I can add in the docs as a nice example

Btw @j-fu are you happy for me to add a link to your webpage in the README? thanks!

j-fu commented 3 years ago

Well after sleeping over it:

Albeit interesting, all of this is outside my priorities, so i just mention these points here for anyone liking to pick them up...

As for linking my home page - well yes, if you think it is ok enough - I won't be that active maintaining it, tough I plan to post my scientific computing course material (julia/pluto based) there in the next couple of months.

kellertuer commented 3 years ago

I would contribute to both a CSL based typesetting as well as something that does pandoc-ish things with Franklin, though also for me both topics are not my main priorities so I will not start such projects but would contribute if they exist.

tlienart commented 3 years ago

So I had a look and it seems to me that a good working compromise is to just use citeproc-js which is heavily battle tested.

In a way this would be similar to the pandoc option that @j-fu used but the project seems (more?) active and tested, also there would then be two options, one where you just load the js library and one where you pre-render. Franklin could provide some glu code to make this seamless. In a way this is similar to the code highlighting, there could be a Julia based highlighter and in fact there are a couple but they are far from as battle tested as highlight.js or prism.

It might then appear that this is somehow too slow or not flexible enough and might seed an effort towards a Julian one but this is an entire project in itself and doesn't look trivial (many finicky details).

Ps: on the pandoc front, Franklin is now a bit too far, so there could still be a plugin where the user would say "give that bit to pandoc and plug the results here untouched" (potentially an entire page) but pandoc cannot do some stuff that Franklin does and using both would likely be more annoying than helpful :)

adigitoleo commented 3 years ago

If the references can be processed before building the site, DOI content negotiation could be of interest. So long as all the publications have a DOI that supports it, the plain text reference can be retrieved with e.g. curl -D - -L -H "Accept: text/x-bibliography" <doi link here> (remove -D - to hide the header info) or using a simple script that can do web requests.

tlienart commented 3 years ago

hmm pretty cool and definitely doable

adigitoleo commented 3 years ago

I'll play around with it a bit, for now I'm pasting each entry in manually. My first hunch for automation is that the output might still need some touching-up, like turning the DOI number into an actual link.

adigitoleo commented 2 years ago

I've come up with something that will probably suffice for me for now:

It's a bit verbose for multiple citations at the moment:

{{{citeref key1 Foo & Bar (2022)}}, {{citeref key2 Foo et al. (2022)}}

Maybe I'll get around to making it nicer at some point. Also I haven't tested it very much and it is past midnight so please check it before using. Regex might need some tweaking.

tlienart commented 2 years ago

Very nice! and I love the big regex in the middle, does the website for which you're using this have a public repo? in which case it might be good to link to it too so users can see a demo and potentially see your latest updates.

adigitoleo commented 2 years ago

Working on my first blog article now, then I'll push it as an example, with a fix for the regex which didn't work for textbooks (or anything that doesn't have a journal name). The retrieved reference text has so far been fine in most cases, occasionally I get strange things in the crossref metadata (usually something in place of missing/incorrect page number declarations). But it is easy enough to touch up the refcache. I've also made the citation macro print ??? like the default one when a ref is missing from the list...

adigitoleo commented 2 years ago

All of the stuff can be found in here: Changed to using Zola (it's just so dang fast).

For example, utils.jl.

The article with references: Removed, some info migrated to Python API docs.

Website also linked on my github profile. The article is very technical and mostly for self-reference. Don't worry about the content. It did however serve as a useful test for just about all of the features I will ever need (maths, images, flexboxes, refs, footnotes...) Happy to be added to README here, although that's basically all I have there at the moment.

lrsantos11 commented 1 year ago

Hi, while the above variant with BibTex.jl essentially worked (kudos for being able to parse my messy bibfile after only a few fixes!), presentation of the results in html is quite hard to achieve. OTOH if you have pandoc and pandoc-citeproc installed, you can make use of the vast library of CSL styles available, e.g. you will find there ieee.csl.

Assuming a bibliography mypapers.bib in _assets, this can be achieved in the following way: Write a "hfun" calling pandoc which writes a the html formatted bibliography to stdout:

function hfun_pub()
    read(`pandoc -f markdown+yaml_metadata_block+citations+raw_html _assets/ --filter pandoc-citeproc --csl=_assets/ieee.csl --bibliography=_assets/mypapers.bib   --mathjax`,String)

In, you just write the yaml header with the bibtex keys (these dots etc. matter) :

nocite: |

E.g. in you write

# Publications

I had this up and running for some custom static site building, now I am a proud owner of a Franklin.jl based homepage ;-).

@j-fu I just contructed my publication list using your ideias. Thanks for that. I have a question: In your webpage the publications are sorted by date. Did you change the ieee.csl class to reflect this? Could you give some hint on how you did it?