tlienart / Franklin.jl

(yet another) static site generator. Simple, customisable, fast, maths with KaTeX, code evaluation, optional pre-rendering, in Julia.
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User Experience Feedback for the current state of Franklin.jl #906

Open schlichtanders opened 2 years ago

schlichtanders commented 2 years ago

I don't know where to place this, probably nowhere, but I hope it is still somehow valuable to know how painful it is to use Franklin.jl right now

unfortunately when I am working with Franklin, once a week, or more often, I am hitting some bug-like missing feature (something I expect just works) or a plain bug. Everytime something does not work, Franklin plainly crashes, which makes the process of working with Franklin quite difficult.

This state of franklin is quite unexpected given that so many users uses it and even juliacomputing uses Franklin.

I am sorry for these words of sorrow, but with every such issue I feel like I better had used something more mature than Franklin and am now developing Franklin instead of my webpage. However I wanted to make use of Julia in case I need it. Was a difficult decision and probably I already went to far and will stay with Franklin despite all these difficulties.

I would love seeing Franklin more userfriendly in this regard. My excuses for the hard words, still they may give some valuable insights into the user perspective.

tlienart commented 2 years ago

Hey Stephan, no problem, I know it's not always a smooth ride and thanks for giving it a fair shot already.

Some notes:

For this, it's always the same; having patient users help me extend the docs is how things can become better.

A final note is that I'm working on a very big refactoring as I think I've mentioned in another issue; this also means that I'm not actively working on the current version (apart from fixes) because I'd like things to "keep working" for people who use Franklin now and have something they're happy with. The next version will certainly not be perfect but will address a bunch of the issues you've opened recently. One thing to understand is that the initial design of Franklin had a simpler use case in mind but slowly people started using some more advanced stuff to a point which now suggests some core re-design for improved use.

This is a lot of work, and while the main building blocks are in place, there's still a lot of details to finalise before I can offer this for people to beta-test.

Anyway, I understand that things can be frustrating and I apologise; if you want to help me out with adding comments in the docs, this will be much appreciated. I'd also suggest you join the slack #Franklin channel to get help quicker than here (even though in some cases your issues are good reminders that I have to improve the docs on XYZ).

schlichtanders commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much for your understanding and the insights you gave. Thank you for taking my words in a good way.

Your support is indeed impressive and awesome. Big thank you for helping out with these advanced question, and even so quickly. It is not taken for granted. Thank you for your commitment.

It is also good to know what the standard use of Franklin is - just to tune my expection.

The ongoing redesign sounds very interesting. I am curious to see how it is going to be. This probably also means that there is not much reason to implement new features like i18n on top of the current code-base. Better to wait for the refactoring to be completed.