as an example would be nice (I think it can just be done with columns but we should probably write it out and check)
**Compiled Eager Code**
Flux provides a single, intuitive way to define models, just like mathematical notation. Julia transparently compiles your code, optimising and fusing kernels for the GPU, for the best performance.
**Differentiable Programming**
Existing Julia libraries are differentiable and can be incorporated directly into Flux models. Cutting edge models such as Neural ODEs are first class, and Zygote enables overhead-free gradients.
**First-class GPU support**
GPU kernels can be written directly in Julia via CUDA.jl. Flux is uniquely hackable and any part can be tweaked, from GPU code to custom gradients and layers.
**The Model Zoo**
A rich collection of Flux scripts to learn from, or tweak to your own data. Trained Flux models can be used from TextAnalysis or Metalhead.
**Probabilistic Programming**
The Turing.jl and Stheno libraries enables probabilistic programming, bayesian inference and Gaussian processes on top of Flux.
**TPUs & Colab**
Flux models can be compiled to TPUs for cloud supercomputing, and run from Google Colab notebooks.
Looks like it's something that people like to do, having this kind of stuff:
as an example would be nice (I think it can just be done with columns but we should probably write it out and check)