tlindig / position-calculator

jQuery plugin, to calculate the position of an element relative to another element or event. Tries to find a collision free position within the viewport of a given container.
MIT License
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Support for RequireJS? #3

Closed mevbg closed 9 years ago

mevbg commented 9 years ago


Have you tried to run the plugin by using RequireJS? So far all my tries failed. No matter what I do I end up with undefined $.PositionCalculator in the console and I'm pretty sure I'm doing everything properly. The rest plugins are defined and work fine.

I see in the Developer Toolbar / Network Tab that jQuery is successfully loaded and the plugin is also successfully loaded after jQuery, but $.PositionCalculator is still undefined.

Could it be something that I miss or it's just that RequireJS is not supported?

Regards, Martin

tlindig commented 9 years ago


thank you, that you tried it.

I did not us RequireJS and so I did not tried it.

This line is for support AMD and also RequireJS:

Please could you write here what you do to load PositionCalculator? What is your require statement?

mevbg commented 9 years ago


I use the minified position-calculator v1.1.2 and the minified jQuery v2.1.3. I concatenate them by using r.js optimizer into a single file - libs.js where jQuery code is first.

Then I just require libs.js before anything else like this:

// Require all libraries
require(['libs'], function () {

    // Proceed when the DOM is fully loaded
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {

        console.log($); // returns jQuery
        console.log($.PositionCalculator); // undefined


tlindig commented 9 years ago

IMHO the correct way to use with require.js should look something like that:

// Require the libraries and get it as parameter
require(["jquery", "position-calculator"], function ($, PositionCalculator) {

    // Proceed when the DOM is fully loaded
    $(document).ready(function() {

        console.log($); // returns jQuery
        console.log(typeof PositionCalculator); // Object

mevbg commented 9 years ago

It worked. Thanks!