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Sources of uncertainty in supervised learning #32

Open EvertBuzonBadillo opened 1 month ago

Advueu963 commented 1 month ago

Hey! There are still some errors on the page:

  1. Fix "(cf.\ Fig.\ \ref{fig:setting})" in the first paragraph
  2. Fix the correct display of the data points D in the first equation (see page)
  3. Fix footnote "\footnote{whence they are capitalized here}" in the second paragraph after Figure 3.1
  4. Fix references "(cf.\ Sections \ref{sec:cp} and \ref{sec:sbus})"
  5. Fix figure reference "Fig.\ \ref{fig:dimen}"
  6. Sometimes you write "(Equation 1)" or "(Equation 2)". Is it possible to. reference these?
  7. Maybe it would be nice to make the plotting function of the Medical example collapse with the tag: "hide-input"
  8. Same as in 7 it may be nice to make the classification of polygons collapse with the tag: "hide-input"

The rest looks good!