tlorach / nvFX

Generic Effect system for Graphic API's (OpenGL and DirectX)
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About Optix support and Mac support.. #2

Open oscarbg opened 10 years ago

oscarbg commented 10 years ago

I want to know how far we are from some alpha Optix support in NvFX with some sample of hybrid rendering.. Also I perhaps want to help in porting to MacOS if itsn't coming soon.. some hints on how to port..

tlorach commented 10 years ago

I am unfortunately stuck with other things and couldn't work on OptiX part.

The MacOSX should be very easy to tackle: I bet this is essentially a matter of creating a XCode project (or improving cmake for this) and making sure OpenGL extensions that might not be available in OSX aren't used. But normally everything in the code should be OSX-OpenGL compatible (except path rendering but still under construction). I suppose subtle C++ compilation issues might arise. But I could compile the project on iOS with success.