tlsfuzzer / tlslite-ng

TLS implementation in pure python, focused on interoperability testing
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Add pyca/cryptography backend #303

Open tomato42 opened 5 years ago

tomato42 commented 5 years ago provides a lot of algorithms we use. Implement backends to those algorithms:

in general, it would be nice to first implement #309, so that we can see if and when the backends are used (and if use of them is not counter-productive – while using code that is side-channel secure but is, say, 2 times slower than the alternative side-channel insecure code is most-likely ok, using secure code that is 10 times slower, is not a good trade

checking if it works with version of pyca/cryptography present in CentOS/EPEL would also be nice in travis

HMaker commented 2 years ago

Is this being worked on? Really all cryptographic tasks should be delegated to other libraries since this project core is the TLS protocol.

tomato42 commented 2 years ago

it's not, and while the core of the project is TLS, the second goal is portability, which we don't get by depending unconditionally on other libraries

HMaker commented 2 years ago

TLSLite has defined interfaces for all these algorithms? What is the integration complexity?

tomato42 commented 2 years ago

yes, it has interfaces for most of them

What is the integration complexity?

Not very high, here's an example of using M2Crypto for aes-cbc: