tlsfuzzer / tlslite-ng

TLS implementation in pure python, focused on interoperability testing
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Certificate and Private Key from a SmartCard #362

Open Lethero opened 4 years ago

Lethero commented 4 years ago

So, I'm wanting to use your library to authenticate myself to a website over a SSL connection from a Windows machine. There is a certificate and a non-extracable private keys from a SmartCard that I can access using I'm able to use all the functions from the private key, I just can't export it to a file. Is there any support or advice you could give on going about doing that?

Getting the public, private, and certificates:

import OpenSSL
import pkcs11
from pkcs11 import Attribute, ObjectClass, KeyType

lib = pkcs11.lib(os.environ["PKCS11_MODULE"])
token = lib.get_token(token_label='smartcard')

with'a user pin'):
    pub_key = session.get_key(key_type=KetType.RSA, object_class=ObjectClass.PUBLIC_KEY)
    priv_key = session.get_key(key_type=KeyType.RSA, object_class=Objectlass.PRIVATE_KEY)

    certs = []
    for cert in session.get_objects({Attribute.CLASS: ObjectClass.CERTIFICATE}):
        certs.append(OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_ANS1, cert[Attribute.VALUE]))
tomato42 commented 4 years ago

So this is not supported. That being said, there is nothing in the library that would make it impossible to implement.

What's needed is a class that either inherits from RSAKey: like this pure-python one here: or this one that uses m2crypto:

or a class that implements the same interface (for smartcards that may be actually a better approach as some of them do not allow raw private key operations for security reasons, but rather require the card itself to add the padding to the signed value) with regards to hasPrivateKey, __len__, hashAndSign, hashAndVerify, sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt

after this is implemented, then it should be enough to pass it as an argument to handshakeClientCert, like so:

since the certificate is something we need to send to the other side to be compliant with the protocol, it needs to be extractable, then it's just a question of converting that extracted object into x509 object, but this will be trivial compared with the above things

as far as requirements for it to be mergeable:

Lethero commented 4 years ago

So, I'm running into a problem that the handshakes here aren't doing the mutual tls authentication. I know a certificate is required cause I'm prompted for a cert from my smart card in a browser.

tomato42 commented 4 years ago

you need to pass the certificates as the first argument to handshakeClientCert, the certificates need to be wrapped in the X509CertChain object. Easiest way to do it is to get them in PEM format and then use the parsePemList() method

Lethero commented 4 years ago
import atexit
import os

import OpenSSL
import pkcs11
from pkcs11 import Attribute, Mechanism, ObjectClass
from tlslite import X509, X509CertChain, TLSConnection
from tlslite.utils.rsakey import RSAKey

def get_pin():
    """Method to return the user's pin,"""

LIB = pkcs11.lib(os.environ["PKCS11_LIB"])
TOKEN = LIB.get_token()

def close_session():

def get_cert():
    certs = SESSION.get_objects({Attribute.CLASS: ObjectClass.CERTIFICATE})
    certs = [OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, c[Attribute.VALUE]) for c in certs]
    aliases = {}
    for cert in certs:
        x509_cert = X509()
        x509_cert.parse(OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert).decode('utf-8'))
        subject = cert.get_subject()
        subject_cn = dict(subject.get_components())[b'CN'].decode()
        issuer = cert.get_issuer()
        issuer_cn = dict(issuer.get_components())[b'CN'].decode()
        aliases[issuer_cn] = (subject_cn, x509_cert)

    for index, alias in enumerate(aliases):
        print("{}) {}, Issued by {}".format(index+1, aliases[alias][0], alias))
    print("Q) Quit")

    selected_cert = None
    while selected_cert is None:
            index = input("Select your cert: ")
            if index.upper() == 'Q':
                index = int(index) - 1
                if index >= 0 and index < len(aliases):
                    selected_cert = list(aliases.values())[index][1]
                    print("Invalid selection.")
        except Exception as e:
            print("Invalid input, try again.", e)
            selected_cert = None

    return selected_cert

class Pkcs11RsaKey(RSAKey):
    """Work in progress."""
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key

    def __len__(self):
        """Gets the length of the key in bits."""
        return self.key.key_length

    def sign(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
        print("sign", data, *args, **kwargs)
        result = self.key.sign(bytes(data), mechanism=Mechanism.SHA1_RSA_PKCS)
        print("sign", result)
        return result

    def verify(self, sigBytes, bytes, padding='pkcs1', hashAlg=None, saltLen=None):
        print("verify", sigBytes, bytes, padding, hashAlg, saltLen)
        result = super().verify(sigBytes, bytes, padding=padding, hashAlg=hashAlg, saltLen=saltLen)
        print("verify", result)
        return result

    def hashAndSign(self, bytes, rsaScheme='PKCS1', hAlg='sha1', sLen=0):
        print("hashAndSign", bytes, rsaScheme, hAlg, sLen)
        result = super().hashAndSign(bytes, bytes, rsaScheme, hAlg, sLen)
        print("hashAndSign", result)
        return result

    def hashAndVerify(self, sigBytes, bytes, rsaScheme='PKCS1', hAlg='sha1', sLen=0):
        print("hashAndVerify", sigBytes, bytes, rsaScheme, hAlg, sLen)
        result = super().hashAndVerify(sigBytes, bytes, rsaScheme=rsaScheme, hAlg=hAlg, sLen=sLen)
        print("hashAndVerify", result)
        return result

    def encrypt(self, bytes):
        print("encrypt", bytes)
        result = super().encrypt(bytes)
        print("encrypt", result)
        return result

    def decrypt(self, encBytes):
        print("decrypt", encBytes)
        result = self.key.decrypt(encBytes, mechanism=Mechanism.RSA_X_509)
        print("decrypt", result)
        return result

# Host and port is an address that requires SmartCard certs
addr = (host, port)
path = "/"

cert = get_cert()
cert_chain = X509CertChain([cert])

keys = list(SESSION.get_objects({Attribute.CLASS: ObjectClass.PRIVATE_KEY, Attribute.LABEL: key_label}))
key = Pkcs11RsaKey(keys[0] if len(keys) > 0 else None)

conn = None
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
    conn = TLSConnection(sock)
    settings = HandshakeSettings()
    settings.useExperimentalTackExtension = True
    conn.handshakeClientCert(cert_chain, key, settings=settings, serverName=addr[0])
    print("Session ID:", conn.session.sessionID)
    print("\tServer Name:", conn.session.serverName)
    print("\tMaster Secret:", conn.session.masterSecret)
    print("\tVersion:", conn.getVersionName())
    print("\tCipher:", conn.getCipherName(), conn.getCipherImplementation())
    print("\tCipher Suite:", conn.session.cipherSuite)
#     print("\tClient X.509 SHA1 Fingerprint:", conn.session.clientCertChain.getFingerprint())
    print("\tServer X.509 SHA1 Fingerprint", conn.session.serverCertChain.getFingerprint())
    if conn.session.tackExt:
        if conn.session.tackInHelloExt:
            emptyStr = "\n (via TLS Extension)"
            emptyStr = "\n (via TACK Certificate)"
        print("\tTACK", emptyStr)
    print("\tNext-Protocol Negotiated:", conn.next_proto)

    request = b'GET ' + path.encode() + b' HTTP/1.1\n'
    request += b'HOST: ' + addr[0].encode() + b'\n'
    request += b'\r\n'
    data =
except TLSLocalAlert as tla:
    if tla.description == AlertDescription.user_canceled:
except TLSRemoteAlert as tra:
    if tra == AlertDescription.handshake_failure:
except Exception as e:
    if conn is not None:
Session ID: (Hidden)
    Server Name: (Hidden)
    Master Secret:  (Hidden)
    Version: TLS 1.2
    Cipher: aes256 pycrypto
    Cipher Suite: 61
    Server X.509 SHA1 Fingerprint (Hidden)
    Next-Protocol Negotiated: None
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\WxCC_Admin\workspace\wxstream\", line 221, in <module>
    data =
  File "C:\Users\WxCC_Admin\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tlslite\", line 188, in read
    for result in self.readAsync(max, min):
  File "C:\Users\WxCC_Admin\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tlslite\", line 207, in readAsync
    for result in self._getMsg(ContentType.application_data):
  File "C:\Users\WxCC_Admin\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tlslite\", line 722, in _getMsg
    raise TLSRemoteAlert(alert)
tlslite.errors.TLSRemoteAlert: handshake_failure
Closing session

From what I can follow, it gets through the exchange of keys, but never sends the cert over as the server doesn't request it. When I try to send the 'GET' request it appears to still be having a handshake type set for renegotiation and not application data. My Pkcs11RsayKey class is never called to authenticate either.

tomato42 commented 4 years ago

From what I can follow, it gets through the exchange of keys, but never sends the cert over as the server doesn't request it.

without packet capture, I really can't help you with that – I can only suggest capturing a handshake from a browser and one from tlslite-ng and then comparing them, looking for differences: to guess the reason for the difference in server behaviour (SSLKEYLOGFILE may be useful)

maybe difference in hostname advertised in SNI?

does the server ask for handshake during the initial handshake, or with a renegotiation attempt (when connecting with a browser)?

When I try to send the 'GET' request it appears to still be having a handshake type set for renegotiation and not application data.

I'm quite sure it's not possible for write() to send handshake type messages... the very first thing the write() method does is pack the data into ApplicationData object:

side note:

settings.useExperimentalTackExtension = True

I'm pretty sure you don't want to use this...

Lethero commented 4 years ago

It doesn't ask for certificate during initial connection.

If it helps, I learned this server doesn't do the authentication, but handles authentication through another server. Do I need to do the handshake twice then?

tomato42 commented 4 years ago

That does sound like renegotiation, unfortunately that is unsupported: #66

Would it be possible to make the server redirect users to different virtual host when asking for restricted resources? That would make it more compatible with TLS 1.3 at the same time (while there is protocol support for post-handshake authentication, the browsers do not enable it by default and some don't implement it at all).

Lethero commented 4 years ago

It appears to be doing post-handshake authentication and I noticed that work is ongoing for that. Just out of curiosity, what is the ETA on that?

tomato42 commented 4 years ago

there is no ETA on #66, I'm focusing on TLS 1.3 exclusively now, after that I will probably be working on QUIC, so not in foreseeable future

Lethero commented 4 years ago

Alright, thank you for the quick responses.