tlsnotary / explorer

Explorer for sharing and visualizing proofs
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Website feedback when proof is completed? #26

Open ospfranco opened 1 month ago

ospfranco commented 1 month ago

Hey, trying to verify a proof of mine but the website appears to do nothing?

OSP 000196

Not sure if the proof failed? or passed? or is it computing? Am I doing anything wrong?

Any feedback is appreciatted!

heeckhau commented 1 month ago

Did you try and click the "Next" button?

If you did, check the versions you are using. The explorer is still on alpha.5

ospfranco commented 1 month ago

yes, I clicked the next button, that's why the console shows the message. I'm not using a local version, I'm using the deployed web version.

heeckhau commented 1 month ago

@ospfranco does your proof contain confidential info? Can you share it here?

ospfranco commented 1 month ago

No confidential info, it's just a dummy test account


public key:


heeckhau commented 1 month ago

Looks like you have the wrong notary key. We should show a better message for this.

@Codetrauma can you take a look at this? renders this as:
