tlubitz / SBtab

SBtab - Table format for Systems Biology:
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Missing annotations when converting from SBML3 to SBtab #102

Open smoretti opened 4 years ago

smoretti commented 4 years ago


I found several issues when converting from SBML3 to SBtab (or ObjTables) with

I joined an SBML example file.

I tested on Linux CentOS 7.4, with Python 3.5.2.

eladnoor commented 3 years ago

@tlubitz - could you take a look at this? These identifiers are important for equilibrator in order to map the compounds in metanetx correctly.

tlubitz commented 3 years ago

@eladnoor I do have it on my list! Alas, my working time right now is reduced to an absolute minimum, due to lockdown