When "Procedure List Wizzard" is disabled, the toolbar with classes and procedures in code editor doesn't have a definited behavior. Sometimes it hides itself. If you press F12, going to form view and F12 to go back to code, it remain invisible.
But when you change tab to another unit, it became visible again, and even going back to that unit it doesn't hide.
But if you press F12 again the toolbar disappear until you change tab again.
Bug Details:
Can Recur with a Probability of 100%.
1. Run Delphi XE from Start Menu.
2. Open 4 or 5 units;
3. Let some in code view and some in form view
3. Disable "Procedure List Wizzard"
4. Toolbar with Procedures List should be invisible in some before you change a
5. Change tabs to see toolbar became visible again.
6. Use F12 to go to Form View and again to Code View to make the toolbar
7. Change tabs to see toolbar became visible again.
Note: If you're not using a fast computer, you can see that when you go back
from Form View to Code View the toolbar is painted and then it is hided.
OS: Windows 7 x64 (Windows 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1))
CnWizards: CnWizards_D15.dll Ver: Build 2013.08.01
IDE: ideD1500
ComCtl32: 5.82.7601.18201
Wizards Installed:
$(BDSBIN)\Scooter.BeyondCompare.Expert.dll = Beyond Compare IDE Package
C:\Program Files (x86)\CnPack\CnWizards\CnWizards_D15.dll = CnWizards_D15
C:\Program Files (x86)\Raize\CS4\Bin\VCL\CSDelphiMethodTracer150.dll = CodeSiteMethodTracer
C:\Program Files (x86)\GExperts for RAD Studio XE1\GExpertsRSXE1.dll = GExperts
C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\8.0\Experts\IDEFixPack.dll = IDEFixPack
C:\Users\Windows7\AppData\Roaming\DDevExtensions\DDevExtensionsXE.dll = DDevExtensions
CnPack IDE Wizards Enabled State:
1 = CnAlignSizeWizard
1 = CnEditorWizard
1 = CnMessageBoxWizard
1 = CnComponentSelector
1 = CnTabOrderWizard
1 = CnBookmarkWizard
1 = CnSrcTemplate
1 = CnMsdnWizard
1 = CnPas2HtmlWizard
1 = CnReplaceWizard
1 = CnSourceDiffWizard
1 = CnStatWizard
1 = CnPrefixWizard
1 = CnCorPropWizard
1 = CnProjectExtWizard
0 = CnCommentCropperWizard
1 = CnRepositoryMenuWizard
1 = CnExplorerWizard
1 = CnFilesSnapshotWizard
0 = CnProcListWizard
1 = CnUsesCleaner
1 = CnIdeEnhanceMenuWizard
1 = CnIdeBRWizard
1 = CnScriptWizard
1 = CnFormEnhanceWizard
1 = CnSourceHighlight
1 = CnSrcEditorEnhance
1 = CnPaletteEnhanceWizard
1 = CnInputHelper
1 = CnVerEnhanceWizard
0 = CnFeedReaderWizard
1 = CnIniFilerWizard
1 = CnMemProfWizard
CnPack IDE Wizards Created State:
1 = TCnFormEnhanceWizard
1 = TCnAlignSizeWizard
1 = TCnEditorWizard
1 = TCnMessageBoxWizard
1 = TCnComponentSelector
1 = TCnTabOrderWizard
1 = TCnBookmarkWizard
1 = TCnSrcTemplate
1 = TCnSourceHighlight
1 = TCnMsdnWizard
1 = TCnPas2HtmlWizard
1 = TCnReplaceWizard
1 = TCnSourceDiffWizard
1 = TCnStatWizard
1 = TCnPrefixWizard
1 = TCnSrcEditorEnhance
1 = TCnPaletteEnhanceWizard
1 = TCnCorPropWizard
1 = TCnProjectExtWizard
1 = TCnCommentCropperWizard
1 = TCnRepositoryMenuWizard
1 = TCnIniFilerWizard
1 = TCnMemProfWizard
1 = TCnExplorerWizard
1 = TCnFilesSnapshotWizard
1 = TCnInputHelper
1 = TCnProcListWizard
1 = TCnVerEnhanceWizard
1 = TCnUsesCleaner
1 = TCnIdeEnhanceMenuWizard
1 = TCnIdeBRWizard
1 = TCnScriptWizard
1 = TCnFeedReaderWizard
# Processors: 4
Type: Intel 586 model 42 Stepping 7
Speed: 3289,54 MHz
Original issue reported on by on 23 Oct 2013 at 5:41
Original issue reported on by
on 23 Oct 2013 at 5:41