tmaestrini / easyGovernance

governance and validation for configuration baselines in M365 – made as easy as possible
MIT License
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Feedback and ideas #27

Open Adam-it opened 2 months ago

Adam-it commented 2 months ago

First thing first

First of all awesome work done so far and really great idea πŸ‘πŸ‘.


From what I used and checked so far I already have a bunch of ideas πŸ˜…. I don't wanna add a lot of issues to keep things manageable in the repo so I will point out my ideas here and if something seems interesting I may create a dedicated issue only with that one idea to track it.

  1. Support for more output formats - I already pointed it out in a separate issue
  2. Being able to run it against multiple tenants - this is of course a bit tricky due to authentication but it's a general idea
  3. Allow to generate a YAML config file based on an existing tenant - from what I noticed many devs or admins consider YAML challenging and a DevOps thing. To maybe lower down the boundaries I think it would be awesome to export settings of an existing tenant to a YAML. This would also help out in migration + validation scenarios based on something we already have as a prototype

Please feel free to close the issue if you consider those ideas out of scope πŸ‘

Adam-it commented 2 months ago

Also, sorry if I am mistaken but from what I see the tool only is able to validate the settings right? If so another good feature would be if the tool could ask a question after the validation is done if the things that are not valid should be fixed by the tool automatically.

Adam-it commented 2 months ago

another idea I got is distributing. This could be published to the PowerShell Gallery along with all the dependencies so that anyone may install it from within PowerShell terminal with Install-Module command

Adam-it commented 2 months ago

Last feed I got is that we could look for more inspiration checking out the Microsoft365DSC. This is a tool I used back in around 2018 when part of may role was also managing M365 tenants. I see some similarities between the script you created and the DSC as it also allowed you to kinda validate you tenant config and bring up report if something is not valid and a lot more as well (like cloning between tenants or autmative check and confi setting etc.). I would recommend to give it a check, as I said, the last time I used it was in 2018 so I am not sure if it is still actively maintained and up to date but the ADO pipelines I created that used this tool work to this day πŸ˜‰.