tmaestrini / easyGovernance

governance and validation for configuration baselines in M365 – made as easy as possible
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Provisioning setup / Guidelines #6

Open tmaestrini opened 3 months ago

tmaestrini commented 3 months ago

We need a simple provisioning setup to start, based on the existing tenants configuration and the according baselines. The provisioning routine should process these steps:

  1. Read the tenant.yml file that contains the baselline setup for the specific tenant
  2. For each referenced baseline, an according provisioning function is called (this function takes care of all the provisioning logic that is related to the according service)
  3. Every provisioning function has the same structure (ETL):
    1. init / connect all the needed (PowerShell or other) module(s) to handle the provisioning ("provisioning modules") along the baseline configurations
    2. extract all the configurations from the baseline and transform the structure: assign every configuration to the specific provisioning services from the init step
    3. "load" all the provisioning settings by making use of the module from the init step and apply them to the tenant or service

The output should be handled in the same way as for validation:

  1. show statistics about the success rate
  2. group the provisioning results by the provisioning module; make them displayable or…
  3. … return the results in a results object