tmaestrini / easyGovernance

governance and validation for configuration baselines in M365 – made as easy as possible
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Add URL links in sector "manual" in output #7

Closed dako365 closed 2 months ago

dako365 commented 3 months ago

In the "Manual" section of the output after validation, it would be great if the URL links were stored for the individual objects. This would make it much easier for the user to find the relevant setting in the Admin Center.

sympmarc commented 3 months ago

I like how the M365 CLI provides help when you use spfx project upgrade. It outputs a Markdown file as well as giving you the exact commands you can run to do the upgrade. This is a different scenario, but the concepts seems to apply.

tmaestrini commented 3 months ago

Fantastic! Will tske that one on the bucket list and work on it asap!

tmaestrini commented 3 months ago

📣 UPDATE! Referring to the baseline 5.2 (for SharePoint Online), the references array stands as placeholder for documentation of any baseline setting. The according setting in the references array can be a link to a configuration panel, additional text or whatever kind you need to give as a "hint" for the administrator; e.g.:

 # intentionally omitted
  - enforces: AccessControl
      ConditionalAccessPolicy: AllowLimitedAccess # Blocks or limits access to SharePoint and OneDrive content from un-managed devices.
      BrowserIdleSignout: true
      BrowserIdleSignoutMinutes: 60
      BrowserIdleSignoutWarningMinutes: 5
      LegacyAuthProtocolsEnabled: false # Setting this parameter prevents Office clients using non-modern authentication protocols from accessing SharePoint Online resources
      - BrowserIdleSignout: ${{tenantAdminUrl}}/_layouts/15/online/AdminHome.aspx#/accessControl/IdleSession

In case the validation fails, the according reference will be returned (if set in baseline policy).