tmaiaroto / hugo-redlounge

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A single page is always showing up home page list even though it's not located in the post directory #24

Closed griffinbird closed 8 years ago

griffinbird commented 8 years ago

I have an about page which doesn't get listed on the blog page listing but appears on the home page listing. About menu link works fine. I think it has something to do with page types / sections in layouts?


tmaiaroto commented 8 years ago

Yes, all pages get listed on the main index page with Hugo. The blog section is looking at a specific archetype.

What I did as a workaround was add a public/about/index.html file and put in a whole new page independent of Hugo. It doesn't load the layout template or anything like that. Though I did copy the rendered page from elsewhere and just replaced the middle section. This way the sidebar was still there, etc. However, should that sidebar update...Then this static HTML page would also need to be updated. Not ideal if your site changes around a bit, but it's a workaround.