tmaiaroto / hugo-redlounge

A Hugo theme
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Keep geting theme/partials/semantic.html is incomplete #40

Open janeshdev opened 7 years ago

janeshdev commented 7 years ago


I keep getting error: 2017/01/30 13:35:57 general.go:236: theme/partials/semantic.html is an incomplete or empty template and 2017/01/30 13:35:57 general.go:236: theme/partials/author.html is an incomplete or empty template. Is there anyway to fix this issue ?

tmaiaroto commented 7 years ago

I need to completely redo this theme. There's a lot of good updates and things people are suggesting and Hugo has updated a lot. I don't really use Hugo anymore unfortunately (awesome tool though) and now just use Medium...But if I can get the chance I'd love to give this some attention again.

That said, I don't see where a semantic.html or author.html would be. I don't have partials by those names in this theme. If they are somehow required now by Hugo, then that would make this theme incompatible with that version of Hugo.

You can add those yourself of course and try having them empty and see where it lands you.

carsonip commented 7 years ago

hi @tmaiaroto, I am using this theme in my own blog and therefore I can take up some of the work about this theme. I can even maintain the repo if you like. Anyway, thanks for the hard work.

@janeshdev Care to tell us what hugo version you are using? When will you encounter the mentioned error? Thanks.

pboling commented 6 years ago

@carsonip I am getting this error on the footer when I try to run hugo (boots via a git hook):

remote: ERROR: 2018/09/04 html/template: "theme/partials/footer.html" is an incomplete template in theme/partials/footer.html
carsonip commented 6 years ago

@pboling Although I am still using this theme, I am not a maintainer of the theme. It has been a long time since the last time I touch any of this. As far as I can remember, I didn't bump into this error when I left the comment. I'm sorry I can't help you now.

pboling commented 6 years ago

I tried moving away from this theme, and it was a massive fail and time suck, and I ended up crawling back. I may need to fork it and make it mine.

tmaiaroto commented 6 years ago

Sorry all, I just don't have the time to update this theme. I don't use it anymore myself.

pboling commented 6 years ago

For googlers:

Broken Original

<div class="footer">
    <hr class="thin" />
    <div class="pure-menu pure-menu-horizontal pure-menu-open">
        <ul class="footer-menu">
        {{ range .Site.Menus.footer }}
            <li><a href="{{.URL}}">{{ .Name }}</a></li>
        {{ end }}

    <p>{{ with .Site.Params.Copyright }}{{ . | safeHTML }}{{ else }}&copy; {{now.Format "2006"}}. All rights reserved.{{end}}</p>


<div class="footer">
    <hr class="thin" />
    <div class="pure-menu pure-menu-horizontal pure-menu-open">
        <ul class="footer-menu">
            {{ range .Site.Menus.footer }}
            <li><a href="{{.URL}}">{{ .Name }}</a></li>
            {{ end }}

        &copy; {{ now.Format "2006"}}. All rights reserved.

If I can find time I'll fork and update my fork to work with latest Hugo. At the moment I am using local overrides in my sites' layouts directory.