tmakkonen / sipcmd

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libopal-dev no more supported for debian #73

Open herrmku opened 3 years ago

herrmku commented 3 years ago

In issue #72 , arnold-b already stated the problem. Seems that libopal-dev is no more state of the art?

firewiremb describes a workaround for that. However, would be great to have a more ... reliable solution for the future.

The sipcmd tool is a great and simple tool - would be great, if there was a real solution to that issue.

soroshsabz commented 2 years ago

Ubuntu 20.04 removed libopal-dev and libpt from official repository :(

tmakkonen commented 2 years ago

I would need to find a suitable library that supports our usage best, and requires the minimum amount of rewrite. Any ideas are welcome!

herrmku commented 2 years ago

Same here - unfortunately I don't have a good solution to that, but would also be happy to know one - any advice welcome.

astesin commented 1 year ago

Does anyone know the reason why exactly were libopal-dev and libpt removed from official repository? And are there any third-party repos or just .deb packages for these built for Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04? Thanks!

soroshsabz commented 1 year ago

I suggest vcpkg to add these library, so if vcpkg add these library to that, we can use that in easy way

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