tmarkovski / bot-builder-twitter-adapter

Twitter Adapter for Bot Framework SDK v4
MIT License
2 stars 2 forks source link

bot not responding on twitter #4

Open vyomanaut opened 5 years ago

vyomanaut commented 5 years ago

i took your echo bot sample , added credentials to the appsettings json file from my twitter dev account . Here's how the appsettings.json looks :

  "MicrosoftAppId": "",
  "MicrosoftAppPassword": "",
  "ScmType": "None",
  "TwitterOptions": {
    "WebhookUri": "",
    "AccessSecret": "",
    "AccessToken": "",
    "ConsumerKey": "",
    "ConsumerSecret": "",
    "Environment": "MrRocketFace",
    "Tier": "PremiumFree", // Available values [ "PremiumFree", "PremiumPaid", "Enterprise" ]
    "BotUsername": "MrRocketFace", // Configure your bot twitter screen name. This is used to detect messages originating from the bot to prevent recursion
    "AllowedUsernames": [] // If configured, the bot will only respond to these usernames. Leave empty to respond to everyone

published the bot to my azure site using a publish profile i downloaded from azure . the bot neither responds to DMs nor tweets .

what exactly am i doing wrong here ? i have not messed with your code except the appsettings .

does it take a few days for twitter to authenticate ?

i couldnt find help anywhere else on this issue .

tmarkovski commented 5 years ago

Hi @vyomanaut,

Did you try to run this locally first by configuring an Ngrok Webhooks pointing back to you? Twitter Webhooks are configured right away, configuration happens when the NET Core host is starting, so all you have to do is wake up the deployed instance once by calling from a browser. I strongly advice you to try and make it work first locally.

vyomanaut commented 5 years ago

sure , thanks for the advice , will look into it .

hemkay commented 3 years ago

Hi @tmarkovski , I did try using the Ngrok on my local host and it keeps working fine. But after deploying it to Azure I will not get a response again. I did get a response once then that is all. What could I be doing wrong (I did not change the webURI from the ngrok endpoint as it was said it will be changed automatically when deployed)