tmate-io / tmate-websocket

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Honor HTTP header 'X-Real-IP' when available #6

Open pini-gh opened 3 years ago

pini-gh commented 3 years ago

Fix #5.

nviennot commented 3 years ago

Clients can set the X-Real-IP header themselves, and spoof IPs (not that there's any harm). Should this feature be gated by a config flag?

pini-gh commented 3 years ago

It makes sense. Something like that?

diff --git a/config/prod.exs b/config/prod.exs
index d2b0323..e116179 100644
--- a/config/prod.exs
+++ b/config/prod.exs
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ config :tmate, :websocket, Keyword.merge(websocket_ranch_opts,
   cowboy_opts: %{
     compress: true,
     proxy_header: System.get_env("USE_PROXY_PROTOCOL") == "1"},
-  base_url: System.get_env("WEBSOCKET_BASE_URL")
+  base_url: System.get_env("WEBSOCKET_BASE_URL"),
+  trust_x_real_ip: System.get_env("TRUST_X_REAL_IP") == "1"

 config :tzdata, :autoupdate, :disabled
diff --git a/lib/tmate/ws_api/websocket.ex b/lib/tmate/ws_api/websocket.ex
index 2673f5d..f4c4d40 100644
--- a/lib/tmate/ws_api/websocket.ex
+++ b/lib/tmate/ws_api/websocket.ex
@@ -24,9 +24,10 @@ defmodule Tmate.WsApi.WebSocket do
           {mode, session} ->
             case Tmate.Session.ws_verify_auth(session) do
               :ok ->
+                trust_x_real_ip = Application.get_env(:tmate, :websocket)[:trust_x_real_ip]
                 ip = case req do
                   %{proxy_header: %{src_address: ip}} -> ip
-                  %{headers: %{"x-real-ip" => ipstring}} ->
+                  %{headers: %{"x-real-ip" => ipstring}} when trust_x_real_ip ->
                     {_, ip} = :inet.parse_address(ipstring |> to_charlist)
                   %{peer: {ip, _port}} -> ip