tmaximini / generator-ionic-gulp

A Yeoman generator for fast hybrid app development that stays out of your way
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Script loading order in gulpfile a problem for own Providers? #29

Closed domhnallw closed 8 years ago

domhnallw commented 8 years ago

I'm (relatively) new to AngularJS, and am in the process of trying to do things "right" in my application. I have a wrapper for all accesses to the API my app communicates, which is currently implemented as a Service, but I'd like to implement it (and other stuff too) as a Provider, to be able to make use of the configurability this offers.

However, I'm running into a problem, which (I think) is related to the order in which JS files are loaded into gulp - specifically, here; app.js is loaded in the project's index.html before all of the developer's own scripts (including Providers).

I'm still a bit of a novice, but I would have thought that providers would have to be loaded before app.js so that they could be referenced within app.js?

Sorry if this is incorrect, I just want to understand :)

domhnallw commented 8 years ago

Never mind, I'm very wrong I suspect :(