tmcd82070 / Rdistance

An R package for simple, regression-like, distance-based analyses
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Test double-observer option #48

Open jcarlis3 opened 6 years ago

jcarlis3 commented 6 years ago

In the update to version 2.0.x, we have only focused on calculating detection functions with single observers (the default in dfuncEstim), and haven't tested implementation of the double-observer functionality that was in previous package versions. These functions should be checked and tested with double-observer data:

In the meantime, I will add an error message to dfuncEstim if the user changes the observer argument from its default value of "both".

jcarlis3 commented 6 years ago

@tmcd82070 suggested a more-formal and more-flexible implementation of double-observer data input and mark-recapture distance sampling should be on the horizon, likely warranting a version 3.0 update.