tmcknight / Movie-and-TV-Show-Search-Alfred-Workflow

An Alfred workflow to search for a movie (or TV show) and get a few ratings
MIT License
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Rotten Tomatoes has changed the escape character to %xx #12

Closed Cocoader closed 4 years ago

Cocoader commented 4 years ago


I haven't tested it extensively but Rotten Tomatoes has changed its escape character to %xx.

Changing urllib.quote_plus to urllib.quote in might have fixed it.

search = urllib.quote_plus(item[title_key].encode('utf-8'), safe=':'.encode('utf-8'))

search = urllib.quote(item[title_key].encode('utf-8'), safe=':'.encode('utf-8'))

tmcknight commented 4 years ago

Hi @Cocoader, Thanks for the bug report and suggested solution!