tmcknight / Movie-and-TV-Show-Search-Alfred-Workflow

An Alfred workflow to search for a movie (or TV show) and get a few ratings
MIT License
95 stars 7 forks source link

Would you please add inline metacritic & RT score for TV shows as well (as it works for movies), for TV it only shows imdb score #13

Closed frykauf closed 4 years ago

tmcknight commented 4 years ago

@frykauf Hi there. All ratings and info is retrieved from the OMDb API. It seems that the RT/Metacritic scores for TV shows aren't as widely available as movies.

I did a few test searches, and Westworld had an RT score. However, Friends did not. Neither had Metacritic. Whatever the OMDb API has available is what will be shown.

frykauf commented 4 years ago

Interesting, thank you for answering this.