tmcknight / Movie-and-TV-Show-Search-Alfred-Workflow

An Alfred workflow to search for a movie (or TV show) and get a few ratings
MIT License
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OMDb Has Went Private #5

Closed r3volution11 closed 7 years ago

r3volution11 commented 7 years ago

OMDb is now private causing the search to die off (no items found). Once you become a Patron ( you can get access to the API again for as little as $1 a month.

I modified manually with my key but I was wondernig if you'll be adding support on the front end?

r3volution11 commented 7 years ago

I just noticed that editing the API link doesn't 100% work. The IMDB URL is stuck on the last movie I searched before OMDb went private I believe.

tmcknight commented 7 years ago

Hi @r3volution11 - that sounds like an odd issue... I would try adding the key to the following location on line 103 of

params = dict(i=imdb_id, tomatoes=True, apikey='YOURKEYHERE')

I've not tried this as I'm not interested in paying for an OMDb API key. Good luck!

r3volution11 commented 6 years ago

That worked. Thank you so much. And since upgrading to High Sierra (I'm a rebel), the browser issue I was having is also gone.

If someone were to develop the code to add their API key through Alfred, would you grant a pull request? In addition, I was thinking of excluding IMDb ratings unless an API key is provided. Plus adding Trakt support. What do you think?

tmcknight commented 6 years ago

I'd certainly grant pull requests!