tmcphee / cyberghostvpn

CyberGhost VPN Client
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
34 stars 16 forks source link

Great image, alternative start command #13

Open gymnae opened 10 months ago

gymnae commented 10 months ago

Describe the issue

I'm running the docker daemon in a mapped user namespace to avoid exposing real root of the host. Thus the start command had to be adjusted. The following works for my setup:

docker run \
   -d \
   --restart=always \
   --name='cyberghostvpn' \
   --cap-add=NET_ADMIN  \
   --cap-add=MKNOD \
   --dns=<optional local DNS server> \
   -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" \
   -e "ACC"="<USERNAME> \
   -e "PASS"="<PASS>" \
   -e 'COUNTRY'='<COUNTRY>' \
   -e 'FIREWALL'='False'\
   -e 'PROTOCOL'='wireguard' \
   -e 'WHITELISTPORTS'='8081,8080' \
   -v /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun \
   -v '/path/to/folder':'/home/root/.cyberghost:rw' \
Tomiliy commented 5 months ago

hi @gymnae do you have an funktion version of this great dockerfile? My problem is, it try to connect, but can't and i don't know why. if you wnat, contact me on Telegramm. @Tomiliy. That's me. come from Germany, too. from Dortmund. mybe you can help me. Thanks

Tomiliy commented 5 months ago

hi @tmcphee

can you help me understanding your image? It sounds very super. i installed it on a synology cyberghost-docker

please can you help me to get this image running? Thanks

logfile: `tmcphee-cyberghostvpn date,stream,content 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,****

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout, DNS:

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout, COUNTRY:

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout, REGION:

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout, CITY:

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout, IP:

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,CyberGhost Connection Info

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,Blocking PORT 53 - IN/OUT

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,[182] Failed to execute script cyberghostvpn

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,"requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v2/my/account?fields=(id,userName,location,activeProduct.plan)&language=en (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7fd2713d4310>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 22] Invalid argument')) " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"requests/\", line 516, in send " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"requests/\", line 646, in send " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"requests/\", line 533, in request " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"requests/\", line 60, in request " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"requests/\", line 75, in get " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"libs/\", line 278, in doRequest " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"libs/\", line 195, in doGet " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"libs/\", line 71, in getUserData " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"libs/\", line 90, in setUser " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"libs/\", line 40, in init " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"libs/\", line 24, in init " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"libs/\", line 21, in init " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"servers/\", line 13, in init__ " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"\", line 509, in main " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"\", line 761, in " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,Traceback (most recent call last):

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,"During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,"urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v2/my/account?fields=(id,userName,location,activeProduct.plan)&language=en (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7fd2713d4310>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 22] Invalid argument')) " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"urllib3/util/\", line 436, in increment " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"urllib3/\", line 719, in urlopen " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"requests/\", line 439, in send " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,Traceback (most recent call last):

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,"During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError: <urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7fd2713d4310>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 22] Invalid argument

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"urllib3/\", line 168, in _new_conn " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"urllib3/\", line 300, in connect " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"urllib3/\", line 996, in _validate_conn " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"urllib3/\", line 376, in _make_request " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"urllib3/\", line 665, in urlopen " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,Traceback (most recent call last):

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,"During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument

2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"urllib3/util/\", line 74, in create_connection " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"urllib3/util/\", line 84, in create_connection " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout," File \"urllib3/\", line 156, in _new_conn " 2024/01/29 21:02:06,stdout,Traceback (most recent call last):

2024/01/29 21:02:05,stdout,Allowing PORT 53 - IN/OUT

2024/01/29 21:02:05,stdout,[E2] VPN Connection Lost - Attempting to reconnect....

2024/01/29 21:01:35,stdout,****

2024/01/29 21:01:35,stdout, DNS:

2024/01/29 21:01:35,stdout, COUNTRY:

2024/01/29 21:01:35,stdout, REGION:

2024/01/29 21:01:35,stdout, CITY:

2024/01/29 21:01:35,stdout, IP:

2024/01/29 21:01:34,stdout,CyberGhost Connection Info

2024/01/29 21:01:34,stdout,Blocking PORT 53 - IN/OUT

2024/01/29 21:01:34,stdout,Connecting ...

2024/01/29 21:01:34,stdout,Select server ... berlin-s459-i29

2024/01/29 21:01:34,stdout,Prepare Wireguard connection ...

2024/01/29 21:01:33,stdout,Allowing PORT 53 - IN/OUT

2024/01/29 21:01:33,stdout,Disabling HTTP proxy...

2024/01/29 21:01:33,stdout, routed to on eth0

2024/01/29 21:01:33,stdout,RTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted

2024/01/29 21:01:33,stdout,Adding network route...

2024/01/29 21:01:33,stdout,Passed

2024/01/29 21:01:33,stdout,Verifying Login Auth...

2024/01/29 21:01:33,stdout,

2024/01/29 21:01:33,stdout,Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.

2024/01/29 21:01:33,stdout,iptables v1.8.4 (legacy): can't initialize iptables table `filter': Permission denied (you must be root)

2024/01/29 21:01:33,stdout,Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.

2024/01/29 21:01:33,stdout,iptables v1.8.4 (legacy): can't initialize iptables table `filter': Permission denied (you must be root)

2024/01/29 21:01:33,stdout,Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.

2024/01/29 21:01:33,stdout,iptables v1.8.4 (legacy): can't initialize iptables table `filter': Permission denied (you must be root)

2024/01/29 21:01:33,stdout,ERROR: problem running ufw-init

2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout,"sysctl: setting key \"net.ipv4.ip_forward\", ignoring: Read-only file system " 2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout,"sysctl: setting key \"net.ipv6.conf.eth0.disable_ipv6\", ignoring: Read-only file system " 2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout,"sysctl: setting key \"net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6\", ignoring: Read-only file system " 2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout,"sysctl: setting key \"net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6\", ignoring: Read-only file system " 2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout,"sysctl: setting key \"net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6\", ignoring: Read-only file system " 2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout,**

2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout, PROXY: false

2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout, PROTOCOL: wireguard

2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout," WHITELISTPORTS: 8181,8080 " 2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout, NETWORK:

2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout, COUNTRY: DE

2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout, PASS: [PASSED - NOT SHOWN]

2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout, ACC: [PASSED - NOT SHOWN]

2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout,**User Defined Variables**

2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout,----------------------------------------------------------

2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout, Ubuntu:20.04 | CyberGhost:1.3.4 | v1.2.2

2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout,

2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout, DockerHub:

2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout, GitHub:

2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout, Created By: Tyler McPhee

2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout,----------------------------------------------------------

2024/01/29 21:01:32,stdout,CyberGhostVPN - Docker Edition`