tmcw-up-for-adoption / doxme

A Markdown formatter for dox. Takes dox's JSON output as stdin and writes Markdown to stdout.
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Ideas for flexible formatting #10

Closed tomek-he-him closed 9 years ago

tomek-he-him commented 9 years ago

How about making doxme formatting customizable?

For example, with a predefined readme structure like

# project name
## installation
## usage
## api
{{ doxme output }}
## license

…one would want function names to be prepended with ### instead of ##.

How can we do it?

I have two ideas:

1) Accept custom string-based templates

doxme([/* dox output */]
  , { readme: false
    , formatting:
      { functionName: "### %s"

And in the command line:

$ ... | doxme --formatting='{"functionName": "### %s"}'

– or (this I like better):

$ echo '{"readme": false, "formatting": {"functionName": "### %s"}}' > .doxme.json
$ ... | doxme



doxme([/* dox output */]
  , { formatting:
      { functionName: function (name, parameters) {
        return ("### " + name + (parameters
          ? "(" + parameters.join(", ") + ")"
          : ""

In the command line:

$ echo 'module.exports = {formatting: {functionName: function (...' > .doxme.js
$ ... | doxme


{ tail: function (tags) {  // Parse the tag @deprecated
  return (
    ( tags.some(function (tag) {return (tag.type == "deprecated");})
    ? "\n_Deprecated_\n"
    : ""


Adherence to the Unix "do one thing and do it well" principle is what drew me to doxme in the first place :) Markdox tries to replace dox, so it chokes with non-flexibility.

But Unix programs not only "do one thing" but also "do it well". As I understand it, it means that they are very flexible.

Let's make doxme like that :)

tmcw commented 9 years ago

How about making doxme formatting customizable?

I'm not very convinced that there's a concrete use case for this: re-ordering sections? h2s instead of h3s? Seems like reasonable defaults cover 90+% of cases.

tomek-he-him commented 9 years ago

I'm not very convinced that there's a concrete use case for this: re-ordering sections? h2s instead of h3s?

  • Or rather h4s instead (sorry, I've made a mistake in my example)
  • Support for rarely-used or custom tags
  • Non-standardized conventions
  • I'm sure there's way more

My concrete problem at the moment is the third. I'm looking for a good way to document a heavily overloaded function. Standards don't work well in this case, as you can read here:!searchin/jsdoc-users/overloaded .

Seems like reasonable defaults cover 90+% of cases.

Well, if you look at different readmes in github, you'll hardly ever find two structured in the same way. Every developer has their own conventions and opinions.

Reasonable defaults are great for a start, I agree in that. But "for a start" really means "only up to a point".

tomek-he-him commented 9 years ago

@tmcw for reference, here's the case I'm talking about: – see for yourself.

In the case of doxme's readme, the defaults really work great. But in my project the outcome isn't too readable.

tmcw commented 9 years ago

Couldn't you use jsdoc's multiple parameter type syntax for this?

tomek-he-him commented 9 years ago

I've tried. But in my case it would be „If you supply an SVGSVGElement, it will be treated as a ... . The second parameter is then optional and will mean ... . If you supply an SVGElement, it will be understood as ... . The second parameter is then required ...” etc. Hard to document and very hard to understand.

Think how, say, any jQuery function could be documented with multiple parameter syntax.

tmcw commented 9 years ago

The 'just document it multiple times' convention seems to work for me.

Basically customizing doxme's formatting doesn't really make sense to me: it basically just is a template and nothing more. swapping out the formatting means swapping out the whole thing, and at that point... just fork

tomek-he-him commented 9 years ago

Yup, and that's what I actually did.

But I do see what you mean since I looked closer at the code.

Alright then. As there doesn't seem to be anyone else backing my idea out there, I'm closing.