tmenier / Flurl

Fluent URL builder and testable HTTP client for .NET
MIT License
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Include Flurl calls in Open Telemetry tracing #732

Closed evilpilaf closed 1 year ago

evilpilaf commented 1 year ago

When adding OpenTelemetry to a project which relies on Flurl for its outgoig calls no telemetry is picked up the activity listeners.

It should be possible to use the same mechanisms from HttpClientInstrumentation to make sure all the telemetry information is collected.

tmenier commented 1 year ago

I'm not familiar with OpenTelemetry so you'll have to provide a lot more detail if you're requesting a feature. Are you sure this isn't a programming question? Flurl provides a lot of hooks for things like adding custom message handlers to the pipeline, etc. This could make a very good Stack Overflow question so I recommend you start by asking there.