tmigot / PDEOptimizationProblems

A list of optimization problems in PDENLPModel format
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Add PDE tests problems #14

Open tmigot opened 2 years ago

tmigot commented 2 years ago

problems with bounds from: Gratton, S., Mouffe, M., Sartenaer, A., Toint, P. L., & Tomanos, D. (2010). Numerical experience with a recursive trust-region method for multilevel nonlinear bound-constrained optimization. Optimization Methods & Software, 25(3), 359-386.

tmigot commented 2 years ago

Kočvara, M., & Mohammed, S. (2016). A first-order multigrid method for bound-constrained convex optimization. Optimization Methods and Software, 31(3), 622-644.

tmigot commented 2 years ago

Vanderbei, R. J. (2001). Case studies in trajectory optimization: Trains, planes, and other pastimes. Optimization and Engineering, 2(2), 215-243.

tmigot commented 2 years ago

Haber, E., & Hanson, L. (2007). Model problems in PDE-constrained optimization. Report, Emory University.