tmijs / tmi.js

💬 Javascript library for the Twitch Messaging Interface. (
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Error with Arguments #450

Closed Galexion closed 3 years ago

Galexion commented 3 years ago

Actual behaviour:

Bot Crashes with log error

Expected behaviour:

Muted Person or rejection message

Error log:

C:\Users\Pizza Hutters\Desktop\Twitch IRC Bot\GalexionTTV TailsEraYT\node_modules\tmi.js\lib\commands.js:361
                if((message.startsWith(".") && !message.startsWith("..")) || message.startsWith("/") || message.startsWith("\\")) {

TypeError: Cannot read property 'startsWith' of undefined
    at client.say (C:\Users\Pizza Hutters\Desktop\Twitch IRC Bot\GalexionTTV TailsEraYT\node_modules\tmi.js\lib\commands.js:361:15)
    at client.onMessageHandler (C:\Users\Pizza Hutters\Desktop\Twitch IRC Bot\GalexionTTV TailsEraYT\bot.js:76:16)
    at client.EventEmitter.emit (C:\Users\Pizza Hutters\Desktop\Twitch IRC Bot\GalexionTTV TailsEraYT\node_modules\tmi.js\lib\events.js:86:13)
    at client.emits (C:\Users\Pizza Hutters\Desktop\Twitch IRC Bot\GalexionTTV TailsEraYT\node_modules\tmi.js\lib\client.js:79:13)
    at client.handleMessage (C:\Users\Pizza Hutters\Desktop\Twitch IRC Bot\GalexionTTV TailsEraYT\node_modules\tmi.js\lib\client.js:1075:13)
    at C:\Users\Pizza Hutters\Desktop\Twitch IRC Bot\GalexionTTV TailsEraYT\node_modules\tmi.js\lib\client.js:1178:29
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at client._onMessage (C:\Users\Pizza Hutters\Desktop\Twitch IRC Bot\GalexionTTV TailsEraYT\node_modules\tmi.js\lib\client.js:1177:8)
    at WebSocket.onMessage (C:\Users\Pizza Hutters\Desktop\Twitch IRC Bot\GalexionTTV TailsEraYT\node_modules\ws\lib\event-target.js:132:16)
    at WebSocket.emit (events.js:315:20)

Server configuration

AlcaDesign commented 3 years ago

client.say requires 2 arguments. The channel and the message.

Galexion commented 3 years ago

But I have that already.

if (commandName === '!d20') {
    const num = rollDice();
    client.say(target, `You rolled a ${num}.`);
    console.log(`* Executed ${commandName} command`);

  if (commandName === '!socials') {
    client.say(target, `Twitter: | Discord:`);
    console.log(`* Executed ${commandName} command`);

  if (commandName === '!duelme') {
    client.say(target, `HEY ME COME BATTLE THIS PERSON`);
    console.log(`* Executed ${commandName} command`);

  if (commandName === '!guess') {
    if (args.length < 2) {
      return client.say(target,`Did- Did you forget to say a Number after the command? ugh I NEED a number between 1 and 20.`);
    let guessedNumber = Number(args[1])
    const num = rollDice();
    if (guessedNumber === num) {
      client.say(target, `Right! Your Number that you needed to guess is ${num}!`);
    } else {
      client.say(target, `Dang. You Need to guess the Number ${num}.`);
    console.log(`* Number is ${args[1]} / `, typeof args[1]);
    console.log(`* Executed ${commandName} command`);

  /* if(commandName === '!mute') {
    let username = client.getUsername();
    if (client.isMod("#TailsEraYT", username)) {
      if(Number(args[1]) < 1 && args.length[1] >= 1) {
      let muted = args[1]
      } else {
        client.say(target, `cannot continue without Username of the Muted.`);
      if(Number(args[2]) < 1 && args.length[2] >= 1) {
        let muteTimer = args[2] 
      } else {
        let muteTimer = 300
      client.timeout( target, muted, muteTimer, "Muted by Mod" ).then((data) => {
        client.say(target, `${username} muted ${muted} for ${muteTimer} seconds.`);
        console.log(`* Executed ${commandName} Command, ${data}`);
    } else {
      client.say(target, `${username}, your not a mod! > :<`);
      console.log(`* Executed ${commandName} Command, ${username}`);
  } */

  //Special things not activated using commands

  client.on("anongiftpaidupgrade", (channel, username, userstate) => {
    client.say(target, `Thank you to ${username} for Continuing to be in the ${channel} gang!`);
    console.log(`* ${username} subbed to ${channel}.`);
    console.log(`* Executed Continued Sub Action`)

client.on("cheer", (channel, userstate, message) => {
  client.say(`Cheers! ${channel} has sent the bits over! // ${message}`);
  console.log(`* ${username} sent bits to ${channel}.`);
  console.log(`* Executed Cheer Action`);

client.on("connecting", () => {
  client.say(target, `Established Connection to ${target}.`);
  console.log(`* Executed Login Message`);

client.on("raided", (channel, username, viewers) => {
  client.say(target, `${channel}, be advised. ${username} is raiding THIS Channel with ${viewers} Viewers!`);
 console.log(`* ${username} has raided with ${viewers} Viewers`);
 console.log(`* Executed Raid Event.`)

client.on("resub", (channel, username, months, message, userstate, methods) => {
  let cumulativeMonths = ~~userstate["msg-param-cumulative-months"];
  client.say(target, `${username} has rejoined / Continued the ${channel} Sub Gang, With ${months} in!`)

client.on("subgift", (channel, username, streakMonths, recipient, methods, userstate) => {
  client.say(target, `${username} has just gifted ${recipient} a Instant Join to the ${channel} Sub Gang! ${username} has sent ${senderCount} gifts already!`);
  let senderCount = ~~userstate["msg-param-sender-count"];
  console.log(`* ${username} has sent ${recipient} a sub in chat.`);
  console.log(`* Executed Gift Event`);

client.on("submysterygift", (channel, username, numbOfSubs, methods, userstate) => {
  client.say(target, `MYSTERY GIFT TIME! ${username} has sent ${numbOfSubs} Instant Invites to ${numbOfSubs}! ${username} has sent ${senderCount} subs alredy!`)
  let senderCount = ~~userstate["msg-param-sender-count"];
  console.log(`* ${username} has sent ${numbOfSubs} subs in chat.`);
  console.log(`* Executed Mystry Gift Event`);

(that was an expert of the program)

Galexion commented 3 years ago

Turns out it was just a unreturned message script. oops.

AlcaDesign commented 3 years ago

This one is missing the channel argument.

client.on("cheer", (channel, userstate, message) => {
  client.say(`Cheers! ${channel} has sent the bits over! // ${message}`);

Try following the error stack to find the issues. at client.onMessageHandler (C:\Users\Pizza Hutters\Desktop\Twitch IRC Bot\GalexionTTV TailsEraYT\bot.js:76:16) At the end it says "bot.js:76:16" which means line 76 in bot.js.

AlcaDesign commented 3 years ago

I don't know if that's the complete code but it seems to have some serious issues. Where is target coming from? Most of the handlers seem to be naming the channel argument "channel" instead of target. Not sure where target is coming from. Make sure you're not nesting things improperly. You don't want to add event listeners within other event listeners.