Open OmniDefenestrator opened 2 years ago
Image recognition scored icorrectly: Corrupter as Temporal Bubble Arcane Buffer as Berserker Juggernaut as Gargantuan Evocationist as Ice Prison
Github doesnt allow attaching BMP, so I've added it as a PNG. The rest of the icons were correct.
{ "x": 2, "y": 1, "empty": false, "id": "temporal-bubble", "matchedPct": 45.953360768175585, "topMatches": [ { "id": "temporal-bubble", "match": 45.953360768175585 }, { "id": "corrupter", "match": 45.850480109739365 }, { "id": "corpse-detonator", "match": 44.17009602194787 }, { "id": "magma-barrier", "match": 43.38134430727023 }, { "id": "drought-bringer", "match": 43.07270233196159 }, { "id": "executioner", "match": 42.45541838134431 }, { "id": "flame-strider", "match": 41.94101508916324 }, { "id": "mirror-image", "match": 41.769547325102884 }, { "id": "vampiric", "match": 41.49519890260631 }, { "id": "hexer", "match": 40.98079561042523 } ] } { "x": 7, "y": 2, "empty": false, "id": "berserker", "matchedPct": 63.85459533607682, "topMatches": [ { "id": "berserker", "match": 63.85459533607682 }, { "id": "arcane-buffer", "match": 62.79149519890261 }, { "id": "echoist", "match": 60.49382716049383 }, { "id": "toxic", "match": 59.43072702331962 }, { "id": "incendiary", "match": 57.44170096021948 }, { "id": "hasted", "match": 55.48696844993141 }, { "id": "dynamo", "match": 52.983539094650205 }, { "id": "deadeye", "match": 52.81207133058985 }, { "id": "chaosweaver", "match": 52.77777777777778 }, { "id": "sentinel", "match": 52.70919067215363 } ] } { "x": 4, "y": 4, "empty": false, "id": "gargantuan", "matchedPct": 33.43621399176955, "topMatches": [ { "id": "gargantuan", "match": 33.43621399176955 }, { "id": "juggernaut", "match": 33.161865569272976 }, { "id": "consecrator", "match": 31.275720164609055 }, { "id": "frenzied", "match": 29.561042524005487 }, { "id": "bonebreaker", "match": 29.526748971193413 }, { "id": "sentinel", "match": 29.38957475994512 }, { "id": "opulent", "match": 28.978052126200268 }, { "id": "bombardier", "match": 28.943758573388195 }, { "id": "bloodletter", "match": 28.70370370370371 }, { "id": "flameweaver", "match": 28.566529492455416 } ] } { "x": 7, "y": 5, "empty": false, "id": "ice-prison", "matchedPct": 47.08504801097394, "topMatches": [ { "id": "ice-prison", "match": 47.08504801097394 }, { "id": "evocationist", "match": 46.776406035665296 }, { "id": "assassin", "match": 46.33058984910837 }, { "id": "frost-strider", "match": 45.67901234567901 }, { "id": "mana-siphoner", "match": 45.40466392318244 }, { "id": "empowered-elements", "match": 45.370370370370374 }, { "id": "soul-eater", "match": 45.23319615912208 }, { "id": "necromancer", "match": 45.0960219478738 }, { "id": "heralding-minions", "match": 44.82167352537723 }, { "id": "executioner", "match": 44.68449931412894 } ] } { "x": 5, "y": 6, "empty": false, "id": "toxic", "matchedPct": 59.97942386831276, "topMatches": [ { "id": "berserker", "match": 65.0891632373114 }, { "id": "toxic", "match": 59.97942386831276 }, { "id": "echoist", "match": 58.813443072702334 }, { "id": "arcane-buffer", "match": 58.33333333333333 }, { "id": "incendiary", "match": 57.510288065843625 }, { "id": "hasted", "match": 56.79012345679013 }, { "id": "sentinel", "match": 55.349794238683124 }, { "id": "deadeye", "match": 54.49245541838135 }, { "id": "chaosweaver", "match": 53.87517146776406 }, { "id": "dynamo", "match": 53.53223593964335 } ] }
Thanks for the detailed report, I will add this to the test suite.
Image recognition scored icorrectly: Corrupter as Temporal Bubble Arcane Buffer as Berserker Juggernaut as Gargantuan Evocationist as Ice Prison
Github doesnt allow attaching BMP, so I've added it as a PNG. The rest of the icons were correct.