tminglei / slick-pg

Slick extensions for PostgreSQL
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Please add support for postgis' topology and TopoGeometry types #108

Closed icassina closed 6 years ago

icassina commented 9 years ago

I know is very hard (i'm trying right now but I don't know slick well enough yet), but it would be quite nice to have topology support integrated into slick-pg.

Basically, if you want to have a topology with, let's say, points and lines with attributes you would proceed like this:

1) create the topology

% topology.CreateTopology(topologyname, srid, tolerance, hasz)
% see:

SELECT topology.CreateTopology('my_topology_name', 21781, 0, false);

It will create a new schema named "my_topology_name" and with four tables in it:

It will also store the metadata into topology.topology.

2) create your edges and nodes tables

CREATE TABLE public.my_edges(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, edge_attr1 VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL);
CREATE TABLE public.my_nodes(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, node_attr1 VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL);

3) add TopoGeometry columns to these tables

% see:

SELECT topology.AddTopoGeometryColumn('my_topology_name', 'public', 'my_edges', 'line', 'LINE');
SELECT topology.AddTopoGeometryColumn('my_topology_name', 'public', 'my_nodes', 'point', 'POINT');

It's a special kind of column, that, on insert, will add geometries to the topology (splitting and snapping as needed), and on retrival, will get geometries from the topology.

The result of the select is the layer_id to use with topology.toTopoGeom() (next section). Let's say that my_edges.line has a layer_id of 1 and my_nodes.point has a layer_id of 2.

Note: on retrival, the type of the geometry will be MultiGeometry (i.e. LineString -> MultiLineString, Point -> MultiPoint) since splitting might have occurred!!

4) insert features

% see:

INSERT INTO public.my_edges(1, topology.toTopoGeom(your_LineString_GeomHere, 1), 'myneatattribute');
INSERT INTO public.my_nodes(1, topology.toTopoGeom(your_Point_GeomHere, 2), 'yay another attr!');

5) retrieve features

SELECT * FROM public.my_edges;
SELECT * FROM public.my_nodes;

Note: the TopoGeometry column will be automatically casted to a Geometry.

For my_edges you'll get the id, a MultiLineString and a varchar.

For my_nodes you'll get the id, a MultiPoint and a varchar.

tminglei commented 9 years ago

Hi @icassina I'm not familiar with postgis' topology, need some time to learn it.

BTW, to use it in Scala project, which Java/Scala type is a good candidate for type mapper?

icassina commented 9 years ago

That is the major problem, in my opinion.

TopoGeometry is a special type, containing information about the topology and layer to look for, and the features.. i'm not very familiar myself. However, on retrieval, it's transparently casted to the corresponding (multi) geometry.

The mechanism would be like this (it's complicated, that's why it takes a slick "master" to tackle it):


case class MyFeat(id: Long, line: MultiLineString, attr1: String)

class MyFeatTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[MyFeat](tag, Some("public"), "feats") with Topology {
  /* the Topology mix-in should do steps 1), 2) and 3) on table creation */
  def id = column[Long]("id", O.AutoInc, O.PrimaryKey)
  def attr1 = column[String]("attr1")
  def lines = column[TopoGeom[MultiLineString]]("lines") // using columns of topoGeom
  /* maybe is easier with: 
  def lines = topoGeomColumn[MultiLineString]("lines")

  def * = (id, lines, attr1) <> (
    /* (select) here maybe the query should do an explicit cast with '::geometry' */,
    /* (insert) here the query should wrap (lines) into that toTopoGeom() postgis function */
aloiscochard commented 9 years ago

@cvogt @szeiger hey guys, what do you think of the approach @icassina suggest? do you guys know some client who actually had to deal with such stuff? ty!

icassina commented 9 years ago

mmm you should add this to the MyFeatTable definition (to comply with the hypotetic Topology trait):

 val topology_name = "my_feats_topology"
szeiger commented 9 years ago

I haven't run into this myself yet. How closely are those topology types related to relational tables? From what I see here in the original sketch, it looks more like a special feature, so maybe it should be implemented with a different API, likes sequences?

tminglei commented 9 years ago

Hi @icassina sorry for my slow response!

I'm busy on company's project these days, and will still be busy in next several weeks.

I did some learning and trying about postgis topology, and here's some problems and results:

I'll keep learning and trying.

icassina commented 9 years ago

Thank you very much. slick-pg would be the first library implementing seamless access to postgis topology!

icassina commented 9 years ago

@szeiger each topology is stored in their own schema. This is done by using special postgis functions, as described above.

The primary benefit of using topologies is that whenever you add a new geometry element to it, it will:

It also allows to:

This implies also that when you add a geometry to a topology using the above method (toTopoGeom), and that geometry is on (or snapped on) an existing LineString (for example), then, when retrieving that LineString (which has some attributes associated, see above) you will retrieve a MultiLineString instead, as it was splitted in the process. Both parts of the MultiLineString will still have the original attributes associated. Even lines that weren't splitted will be retrieved as MultiLineString, but with only a single part.

The author of these postgis functionalities told me about the undocumented valid values of the feature_type argument of the topology.AddTopoGeometryColumn function (the values used internally), which tackle a bit better their nature. Behaviour does not change but it allow us to think about the nature of what we're working with:


postgis also supports mixed type, for hierarchical layers, but I've not yet experimented with it. Taking this into account it would be more like a tree than a linear sequence (but Tree is a collection and share the API anyway).

tminglei commented 9 years ago

Hi @icassina just a little update. I already started working on this, but haven't any code changes submitted yet.