Hi, can anyone help?
I accidentally updated to davinci resolve 19.1. I uninstalled it and when back to 19.0.3 After that, I found my auto-subs is not working. I tried reinstalling but I keep getting the error below:
File "C:\ProgramData\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Fusion\Scripts\Utility\auto-subs.py", line 114
auto-subs/auto-subs.py at main · tmoroney/auto-subs · GitHub
Hi, can anyone help? I accidentally updated to davinci resolve 19.1. I uninstalled it and when back to 19.0.3 After that, I found my auto-subs is not working. I tried reinstalling but I keep getting the error below:
File "C:\ProgramData\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Fusion\Scripts\Utility\auto-subs.py", line 114
SyntaxError: invalid character '·' (U+00B7)