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googleplus-share not showing. #89

Open pabloselin opened 10 years ago

pabloselin commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the script, it's great!

However, I'm having a small issue with the googleplus-share function, it's not showing at all and in firebug I'm getting a

"Refused to display '…400859641181&' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'."

But when I use the googleplus-one feature the widget loads OK. I'm wondering if there's a bug or is just that I'm missing something?

parkersweb commented 10 years ago

I'm seeing exactly the same problem. Did you find a resolution to this?

pabloselin commented 10 years ago

sadly no, I just gave up and used the plus one feature, maybe I will get at it at a later time.

parkersweb commented 10 years ago

Thanks for letting me know. I think it's probably down to a change in the way G+ should be called which needs reflecting in socialite?

pabloselin commented 10 years ago

I think that's possible, but I haven't been able to deal with G+ API too successfully.

develCuy commented 9 years ago

This is the markup I use for g+:

<a href="" data-url="" data-size="tall" class="socialite googleplus-one"><span class="vhidden">Share on Google+</span></a>

Also, make sure to disable Add Block Plus or similar