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Standardize approach to NFIRAOS & IRIS ICDDB model files #1

Open edwardchapin opened 5 years ago

edwardchapin commented 5 years ago

This issue is intended to track discussion and summarize decisions regarding how to format ICD model files, and incorporate them into our Doxygen documentation. The checklist at the top indicates proposals/decisions. Discussion occurs below, and as we reach consensus we update the wording (and possibly add/remove items) in this top list, and click the check-box when an approach is agreed upon. When the issue is closed, these decisions (along with canonically-formatted model file examples) will be added to .

edwardchapin commented 5 years ago
  1. Decided to restrict math to pure HTML for simplicity (converting math to images as proposed seems too messy). There shouldn't be a need for large amounts of math in the model files.
edwardchapin commented 5 years ago
  1. After experimenting with the markdown2 Python module it was found that all literal multi-line syrings (using triple quotes) would need to be left-justified in the model files in order not to be interpreted as code blocks (i.e., monospaced font). It was decided that this was an undesirable constraint, so again, we will revert to using pure HTML tags for any required formatting (such as lists, boldface etc.).