attached base packages:
[1] parallel stats4 grid stats graphics grDevices utils datasets
[9] methods base
other attached packages:
[1] RCy3_0.99.25 RJSONIO_1.3-0 rgl_0.95.1367
[4] RefNet_1.6.0 ...(same as my recent post).
The setNodeColorRule seems to set some but not all nodes to the yellow color intended (compare the larger nodes, which should be darker yellow). The functions, setNodeBorderWidthRule, edgeColorRule, setEdgeLineWidthRule , setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule, setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule don't work. In addition,
setNodeBorderWidthRule(windowobj,"nodeType", attribute.values=c("deacetylase","acetyltransferase","demethylase","methyltransferase","membrane protein", "receptor tyrosine kinase", "G protein-coupled receptor"), line.widths=c(6,10,6,10,7,7,7), default.width=1.8)
Error. Could not set rule...
undoes all the following vizprops from commands setNodeShapeDirect, setNodeBorderColorDirect (and maybe others).
Also, copyVisualStyle is broken.
copyVisualStyle (windowname, "default",
Error in file(con, "r") : cannot open the connection
Hope this gives you enough information. Let me know if not.
Successfully set rule.
RCy3::setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule, no 'below' or 'above' colors specified. Inferred from supplied colors.
Error. Could not set rule...
RCy3::setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule, no 'below' or 'above' colors specified. Inferred from supplied colors.
Error. Could not set rule...
Successfully set rule.
setEdgeTargetArrowRule(windowname, 'edgeType', edgeTypes, myarrows, default='No Arrow')
Successfully set rule.
setEdgeTargetArrowRule(windowname, 'edgeType', edgeTypes, myarrows, default='No Arrow')
Successfully set rule.
setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule(windowname, "edgeType", edgeTypes, edgecolors, default.color='#FF0000')
RCy3::setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule, no 'below' or 'above' colors specified. Inferred from supplied colors.
Error. Could not set rule...
setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule(windowname, "edgeType", edgeTypes, myarrows, default.color='#FF0000')
RCy3::setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule, no 'below' or 'above' colors specified. Inferred from supplied colors.
Error. Could not set rule...
setEdgeColorRule(windowname, 'edgeType', edgeTypes, edgecolors, mode='lookup', default.color='#33CC33') # formerly #888888
Successfully set rule.
Tanja, Gerogi
I attach
a direct comparison of RCy2 and RCy3 graphs.
locale: [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
attached base packages: [1] parallel stats4 grid stats graphics grDevices utils datasets [9] methods base
other attached packages: [1] RCy3_0.99.25 RJSONIO_1.3-0 rgl_0.95.1367
[4] RefNet_1.6.0 ...(same as my recent post).
The setNodeColorRule seems to set some but not all nodes to the yellow color intended (compare the larger nodes, which should be darker yellow). The functions, setNodeBorderWidthRule, edgeColorRule, setEdgeLineWidthRule , setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule, setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule don't work. In addition,
undoes all the following vizprops from commands setNodeShapeDirect, setNodeBorderColorDirect (and maybe others).
Also, copyVisualStyle is broken.
Hope this gives you enough information. Let me know if not.
Function to set node size and color:
Function to set correlation edges style:
Functions to set node and edge default properties:
Dissection of individual commands in edgeDprops: