Open jmetz opened 1 year ago
Could you please tell me how to incorporate that in my .tmux.conf
? Thank you.
Could you please tell me how to incorporate that in my
? Thank you.
As I mentioned, it's not something you can currently achieve using just the .tmux.conf
(which is why this issue exists!).
Here are the changes I made to
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 280cf00..83b488b 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -4,21 +4,39 @@ CURRENT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
source "$CURRENT_DIR/"
source "$CURRENT_DIR/"
+source "$CURRENT_DIR/"
+get_interval() {
+ get_tmux_option "$auto_save_interval_option" "$auto_save_interval_default"
+current_timestamp() {
+ echo "$(date +%s)"
+ "$(date +%s)"
print_status() {
- local save_int="$(get_tmux_option "$auto_save_interval_option")"
+ local save_int="$(get_tmux_option "$auto_save_interval_option")"
local status=""
+ local style_wrap="$(get_tmux_option "$status_on_style_wrap_option" "")"
local style_wrap
if [ $save_int -gt 0 ]; then
- style_wrap="$(get_tmux_option "$status_on_style_wrap_option" "")"
- status="$save_int"
+ local last_saved_timestamp="$(get_tmux_option "$last_auto_save_option" "0")"
+ local interval_minutes="$(get_interval)"
+ local interval_seconds="$((interval_minutes * 60))"
+ local next_run="$((last_saved_timestamp + $interval_seconds))"
+ local now="$(date +%s)"
+ local secs="$((next_run - now))"
+ local til_next_save=$(printf '%02dh:%02dm:%02ds\n' $((secs/3600)) $((secs%3600/60)) $((secs%60)))
+ status="$til_next_save"
- style_wrap="$(get_tmux_option "$status_off_style_wrap_option" "")"
- status="off"
+ style_wrap="$(get_tmux_option "$status_off_style_wrap_option" "")"
+ status="off"
if [ -n "$style_wrap" ]; then
- status="${style_wrap/$status_wrap_string/$status}"
+ status="${style_wrap/$status_wrap_string/$status}"
echo "$status"
Git diff attached as a txt file:
or as a drop-in replacement:
NB: This needs to be renamed to remove the trailing .txt - that was just so that github would accept it!
The corresponding line in the .tmux.conf
that shows the save time and the icon:
set -g status-right '💾#{continuum_status}#[fg=colour233,bg=colour241,bold] %d/%m #[fg=colour233,bg=colour245,bold] %H:%M:%S '
Thank you for the explanation.
I wanted to see a "time to next save" instead of just the time between saves, so for now I've just hacked away at, so that I now see:
Do you have any plans to add functionality to make such customization easier / not require messing with the internals of this plugin (or is that already possible and I missed it)?