tmux-plugins / tmux-copycat

A plugin that enhances tmux search
MIT License
1.11k stars 63 forks source link

Defining new stored searches in tmux.conf doesn't work #56

Open oksayt opened 9 years ago

oksayt commented 9 years ago

I tried copying these new stored search examples from the README to my tmux.conf:

# 'prefix + ctrl-t' searches for "search me" string
set -g @copycat_search_C-t "search me"

# 'prefix + alt-t' searches for defined regex
set -g @copycat_search_M-t "regex search[[:alnum:]]\*"

I tried putting these before / after the run-shell ~/.../copycat.tmux line, but in either case pressing the key combinations didn't do anything. Predefined stored searches such as prefix + C-d work without problems. I worked around this by editing copycat.tmux locally.

bruno- commented 9 years ago

Hey, sorry to hear this. Just to check, after putting the stored searches into your .tmux.conf did you reload tmux config to source them? If that didn't help, how about restarting tmux (just to see if this will make it work)?

If the above doesn't give any fruit, can you please paste me the output of the following commands when you invoke them in the shell:


bruno- commented 9 years ago

@oksayt, any updates on this?