tmux-plugins / tmux-copycat

A plugin that enhances tmux search
MIT License
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Improve the way copycat handles stored regex searches #7

Closed bruno- closed 10 years ago

bruno- commented 10 years ago

Improve the way copycat handles stored regex searches

bruno- commented 10 years ago

After looking into this, I have no idea how could this be improved..

Currently users can define "stored searches" by having something like this in .tmux.conf:

set -g "@copycat" "C-x|my_regex_search"

The above will create a binding prefix + C-x that will perform a search. The same mechanism is used for builtin searches eg prefix + C-f, prefix + C-u etc...

The idea was to improve it by leveraging tmux variable appending, but that is broken in tmux:

tmux set -g "@var" "foo"
tmux set -ag "@var" "bar"       # appending "bar" to the variable
tmux show -g "@var"             # => "bar", but should be "foobar"
soli commented 10 years ago

Ok, now that I understand how it works, it is not that bad.

Indeed set -a does not work for user-options, so there might not be any necessity to improve anything. Worst case scenario, it remains possible to tmux set -ag @copycat "$(tmux show -gvq @copycat) foo" to append to an existing (or not) var.

What is needed is the documentation for the various tmux options that copycat uses. I'll try to add this and create a PR tonight.

bruno- commented 10 years ago

This is a good idea:

tmux set -g @copycat "$(tmux show -gvq @copycat) foo"

Another option for handling user defined searches would be to introduce a new variable eg @copycat_searches. @copycat variable can stay the same for "plugin defined" searches.

The thing that gives me pause about both approaches is that user defined regex could quickly become messy. Example:

# users `tmux.conf
set -g @copycat "C-x|my_stored_search_regex_that_is_long_and_messy C-z|another_stored_search_that_makes_the_line_too_long"

Anyway, if you get any idea for this, I'd be glad to hear it. On the other hand, there's no need to rush with implementation...

soli commented 10 years ago

Well it is always possible to write:

set -g @copycat " \
C-x|my_stored_search_regex_that_is_long_and_messy \
C-z|another_stored_search_that_makes_the_line_too_long \