Closed oblitum closed 5 years ago
This is very weird, now I know why it doesn't work, and why it works just first time after reloading configuration. Just after reloading tmux.conf
> tmux list-keys
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi o send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "xargs -I {} tmux run-shell -b 'cd #{pane_current_path}; xdg-open \"{}\" > /dev/null'"
Then you execute prefix<c-u><c-o>
once, it will work, but checking tmux list-keys
again, it has changed???
> tmux list-keys
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi o send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "xargs -I {} tmux run-shell -b 'cd #{pane_current_path}; xdg-open {} > /dev/null'"
xdg-open \"{}\"
got replaced by xdg-open {}
, hence the issue. Dunno why this happens, maybe a tmux bug. Now prefix<c-u><c-o>
for such URLs won't work anymore until reload. Unsure but there may be a vulnerability here too.
xdg-open \"{}\"
got replaced byxdg-open {}
, hence the issue. Dunno why this happens, maybe a tmux bug. Nowprefix<c-u><c-o>
for such URLs won't work anymore until reload. Unsure but there may be a vulnerability here too.
It's tmux-copycat that's causing this.
Hi, thanks for this nice plugin I've been using for years.
I noticed there are some URLs that tmux-open will cut and when opened in the browser they just lead to website's home page. For example, URL will just cause tmux-open to go to youtube homescreen for me. If I copy the URL with
(instead of opening withprefix<c-u><c-o>
) and paste it in the browser, the URL follows fine.