tmux-plugins / tmux-resurrect

Persists tmux environment across system restarts.
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Characters in vim after restore #119

Open aka-tpayne opened 8 years ago

aka-tpayne commented 8 years ago

When my panes are being restored and should open vim, every single time I end up in Insert mode with "m" on the first line and the cursor below it on the next line.

Here is the contents of my "last" file.

pane    0   1   :bash   1   :*  0   :/Users/tpayne  1   bash    :
pane    prov    1   :vim    1   :*  0   :/private/var/www/projects/prov.2011.drupal 1   vim :vim
pane    prov    2   :ruby   0   :   0   :/private/var/www/projects/prov.2011.drupal 1   bash    :
pane    prov    3   :git    0   :   0   :/private/var/www/projects/prov.2011.drupal 1   bash    :
pane    prov    4   :ssh    0   :   0   :/Users/tpayne/Documents/Proven Winners 1   bash    :
pane    prov    5   :bash   0   :   0   :/private/var/www/projects/prov.2011.drupal 1   bash    :
pane    prov    6   :bash   0   :-  0   :/private/var/www/projects/prov.2011.drupal 1   bash    :
pane    prov-rpt    1   :vim    1   :*  0   :/private/var/www/projects/prov.2013.reports.drupal 1   vim :vim
pane    prov-rpt    2   :bash   0   :   0   :/private/var/www/projects/prov.2013.reports.drupal 1   bash    :
pane    prov-rpt    3   :ssh    0   :-  0   :/private/var/www/projects/prov.2013.reports.drupal 1   bash    :
pane    reap    1   :vim    1   :*  0   :/private/var/www/projects/2015.searchforpublishers.drupal7 1   vim :vim
pane    reap    2   :vim    0   :   0   :/private/var/www/projects/2015.searchforpublishers.drupal  1   vim :vim
pane    reap    3   :sass   0   :   0   :/private/var/www/projects/2015.searchforpublishers.drupal7/sites/all/themes/searchforpublishers    1   ruby    :/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/bin/ruby /usr/bin/scss -t compressed --watch sass/searchforpublishers.scss:css/searchforpublishers.css
pane    reap    4   :bash   0   :   0   :/private/var/www/projects/2015.searchforpublishers.drupal7 1   bash    :
pane    reap    5   :ssh    0   :-  0   :/private/var/www/projects/2015.searchforpublishers.drupal7 1   ssh :ssh
pane    spark   1   :vim    1   :*  0   :/private/var/www/projects/spark-project    1   bash    :
pane    spark   2   :tail   0   :   0   :/private/var/www/projects/spark-project    1   tail    :tail -f /var/log/apache2/error_log
pane    spark   3   :bash   0   :   0   :/Users/tpayne  1   bash    :
pane    spark   4   :vim    0   :-  0   :/private/var/www/projects/prov.2011.drupal 1   vim :vim
pane    tension 1   :bash   1   :*  0   :/private/var/www/projects/    1   bash    :
window  0   1   1   :*  b100,181x41,0,0,3
window  prov    1   1   :*  b103,181x41,0,0,6
window  prov    2   0   :   b106,181x41,0,0,9
window  prov    3   0   :   58b1,181x41,0,0,12
window  prov    4   0   :   58b4,181x41,0,0,15
window  prov    5   0   :   58b7,181x41,0,0,18
window  prov    6   0   :-  d8b0,181x41,0,0,21
window  prov-rpt    1   1   :*  d8b3,181x41,0,0,24
window  prov-rpt    2   0   :   d8b6,181x41,0,0,27
window  prov-rpt    3   0   :-  58b0,181x41,0,0,30
window  reap    1   1   :*  69e3,272x59,0,0,33
window  reap    2   0   :   69e6,272x59,0,0,36
window  reap    3   0   :   e9e1,272x59,0,0,41
window  reap    4   0   :   e9e4,272x59,0,0,44
window  reap    5   0   :-  e9e9,272x59,0,0,49
window  spark   1   1   :*  58b3,181x41,0,0,52
window  spark   2   0   :   58b6,181x41,0,0,55
window  spark   3   0   :   58b9,181x41,0,0,58
window  spark   4   0   :-  58ba,181x41,0,0,59
window  tension 1   1   :*  d8b1,181x41,0,0,60
state   reap    spark
bruno- commented 8 years ago

Hey, thanks for reporting. The "last" file looks ok.

I'm not sure what could be causing this.

aka-tpayne commented 8 years ago

Nope, only plugins I'm using is tmux-resurrect and tmux-continuum. I'm not currently setup to restore vim session

bruno- commented 8 years ago

I tried testing this and still can't reproduce.

Based on what you said in the first post it seems tmux-resurrect sends additional characters to the pane after vim is started. That would explain why you end up in insert mode with "m" typed in.. but it's not clear why those characters are sent..

aleprovencio commented 8 years ago

I also have issues with vim. Using the below attached last file, the window which belongs to the wiki session happens something like what the OP describes, where i get vim resurrected in insert mode (but without C-m). The other vim instance on code session won't even start although panes are created correctly.

pane    0       0       :bash   1       :*      0       :/home/aleprovencio     1       bash  :
pane    code    0       :bash   0       :-      0       :/home/aleprovencio/src/django-royalnew0       bash    :
pane    code    0       :bash   0       :-      1       :/home/aleprovencio/src/django-royalnew1       bash    :
pane    code    1       :vim    1       :*      0       :/home/aleprovencio/src/django-royalnew1       vim     :vim
pane    main    0       :bash   1       :*      0       :/home/aleprovencio/.tmux/resurrect   1bash    :
pane    wiki    0       :vim    1       :*      0       :/home/aleprovencio/usr/wiki    1     vim      :vim
window  0       0       1       :*      b33e,191x51,0,0,1
window  code    0       0       :-      9543,191x52,0,0[191x25,0,0,2,191x26,0,26,3]
window  code    1       1       :*      b321,95x52,0,0,4
window  main    0       1       :*      b322,95x52,0,0,5
window  wiki    0       1       :*      b743,191x52,0,0,6
state   main
aleprovencio commented 8 years ago

Just found out this is an issue with @continuum-boot

bruno- commented 8 years ago

Just found out this is an issue with @continuum-boot

Any idea how it's related to it? Which platform are you running tmux: OSX, Linux?

aleprovencio commented 8 years ago

This is tmux 2.1 on Arch.

It's something related to the current start command new-session -d because starting tmux this way after a tmux kill-server the mess is there with a full reboot not beeing necessary.

I have a shortcut set on my system that starts a terminal and issues a tmux new-session -A -s main so thats the way I usually start tmux, even before using resurrect/continuum. It works gracefully with @continuum-restore 'on', but it does not with @continuum-boot.

I've also tryied playing without success wih @continuum-systemd-start-cmd, maybe you can give a me a hint on this.

aleprovencio commented 8 years ago

@bruno- , I could manage to make @continuum-boot to work, IF @continuum-restore is NOT on, so this is a matter of choosing either one of the options to have them working. When both are 'on', tmux service will not start (output below), but if @continuum-restore is 'off' I still have a chance to manually restore. I've seen issues alike on tmux-continuum like and , should I open a new one?

● tmux.service - tmux default session (detached)
   Loaded: loaded (/home/aleprovencio/.config/systemd/user/tmux.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since qui 2016-08-25 11:41:22 BRT; 58s ago
     Docs: man:tmux(1)
  Process: 21681 ExecStop=/home/aleprovencio/.tmux/plugins/tmux-resurrect/scripts/ (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
  Process: 20914 ExecStart=/usr/bin/tmux new-session -d (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 16194

ago 25 11:41:22 xps[21681]: no server running on /tmp/tmux-1000/default
ago 25 11:41:22 xps[21681]: no server running on /tmp/tmux-1000/default
ago 25 11:41:22 xps[21681]: no server running on /tmp/tmux-1000/default
ago 25 11:41:22 xps[21681]: no server running on /tmp/tmux-1000/default
ago 25 11:41:22 xps[21681]: no server running on /tmp/tmux-1000/default
ago 25 11:41:22 xps[21681]: no server running on /tmp/tmux-1000/default
ago 25 11:41:22 xps[21681]: no server running on /tmp/tmux-1000/default
ago 25 11:41:22 xps systemd[743]: tmux.service: Control process exited, code=exited status=1
ago 25 11:41:22 xps systemd[743]: tmux.service: Unit entered failed state.
ago 25 11:41:22 xps systemd[743]: tmux.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
mdeguzis commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure if this i 100% related, but I had to put in a hack to fix my vim stuff. When Python runs, it seems the options shown via ps cause issues. Not sure if this a byproduct of how ps stores the command set? I noticed if I quote the set commands it work:

# Does not work, opens files with the options for set/cmd instead
$ vim --cmd set pythonthreehome=/apollo/env/envImprovement/python3.8 /home/deguzim/.tmux.conf 

"pythonthreehome=/apollo/env/envImprovement/python3.8" E212: Can't open file for writing
Press ENTER or type command to continue

# What it needs to be:
vim --cmd "set pythonthreehome=/apollo/env/envImprovement/python3.8" /home/deguzim/.tmux.conf 


# Description: Patches some output from `ps` that tmux resurrect
#              Uses to restore what you are doing

old_file=$(readlink -f ${HOME}/.tmux/resurrect/last)

while IFS= read -r line; do
        # Fix 1: Patch vim commands. The arguments to `--cmd` need to be quoted
        # in order for them to work right.
        if [[ "${line}" =~ "vim" ]]; then
                old_text=$(echo $line | awk -F'vim :' '{print $2}')
                new_text=$(echo "${old_text}" | awk '{print $1" "$2" \""$3" "$4"\" "$5}')
                line=$(echo "${line}" | sed "s|$old_text|$new_text|g")
        echo ${line}

done < "${old_file}" > "${new_file}"

# Replace file
mv "${new_file}" "${old_file}"

I use TPM to load tmux-resurrect, so I patch it after install with:

echo "$HOME/src/DeGuzim-Config/configuration/scripts/" >> ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-resurrect/scripts/

It seems to say after " + I"

mdeguzis commented 2 years ago

Anyway, shouldn't tmux-resurrect be capturing /proc/$pid/cmdline instead of ps output???

mdeguzis commented 2 years ago

Going to use for now, even though it lacks full command + args restore.