Open ioogithub opened 2 years ago
Setup your env manually, invoke resurrect-save and post content of last
file here, I'll try to help.
Thanks, I have spent quite a bit of time trying to find a solution with trial and error without success.
Here is the command I am trying to run that I would like resurrected:
journalctl -f | grep -E 'error|failure'
Here is how it appears in last:
journalctl :journalctl -f
grep --color=auto -E error|failure
Note: the ' ' characters and the grep command have been removed
Here is how it is restored:
journalctl -f
So everything after the pipe | has not been restored.
I have tried a series of ~, -> and "" attempts without success.
I actually have several piped commands I would like to restore and they all have the same issue, they only restore until the | character. Do I need to escape the | character somehow or is it not possible to restore two commands that are piped in this way?
Is there an update on this? I also would like to resurrect some pipes? Especially the journal command with the grep is my exact usecase. I just want a tmux session which some processes watching my system.
It's a bug, it will restore the command up until the | character which means that it doesn't work.
I doubt it will be fixed as this project appears to be abandoned. There are much worse issues that I found a year ago that make the app very frustrating that had not been addressed either.
I tried to use tmux to setup a dashboard with different panes monitoring different part of the system but I was not successful because when the server is restarted everything is lost. I have been looking for other solutions.
Its too bad such an awesome idea with such great potential.
I have been trying to get this to restore without success:
journalctl -f | grep -E 'error|failure'
I.e. one program piping data to another program.
In this example I have both journalctl and grep as apps to restore in "set -g @resurrect-processes"
I have tried adding ~ and -> and some of the other examples here:
but nothing works. Is this possible?