tmux-plugins / tmux-resurrect

Persists tmux environment across system restarts.
MIT License
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restoring ssh sessions not working #444

Open ipatch opened 2 years ago

ipatch commented 2 years ago

i started tweaking my tmux.conf file yesterday to see if i could restore my ssh sessions after killing my tmux server. this is something i have yet to get working. i'm sure i could be missing something simple but i searched through open and closed issues and only found a handful of issues related to restoring ssh sessions.

i primarily ssh to local computers on my LAN (virtual machines) and i use my $USER/.ssh/config file to setup aliases for logging to such computers.

am i suppose to put the ssh [ALIAS] as the restore command in my tmux.conf or am i missing something else here? or do i just put ssh and tmux-resurrect will pick up / resume (know) which alias the prior ssh session was using?

my tmux.conf below,

i'm able to provide more information on request, and thank you for making this plugin it has helped me quite a lot.

ipatch commented 2 years ago

updated my tmux.conf to use

set -g @resurrect-processes '~ssh'
set -g @resurrect-processes 'ssh'
set -g @resurrect-processes "git log"
set -g @resurrect-strategy-nvim 'session'

instead of set -g @resurrect-process

and still getting the same results of ssh sessions not restoring.

ipatch commented 2 years ago

seeing the below output, snippet in the last file

pane    freecad_werk    7   :m1 0   :-  0   :/Users/capin   1   fish    :fish
pane    freecad_werk    7   :m1 0   :-  1   :/Users/capin/.ssh  0   fish    :fish
pane    freecad_werk    8   :hbcore 0   :   0   :/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula    1   fish    :fish
pane    freecad_werk    8   :hbcore 0   :   1   :/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula    0   fish    :fish
pane    jul18_klipper   1   :radio  0   :   0   :/Users/capin/Movies/streams    1   fish    :fish
pane    jul18_klipper   1   :radio  0   :   1   :/Users/capin/Movies/streams/yt.mixes/yt.mix.qos.billie.etc 0   fish    :fish
pane    jul18_klipper   2   :archbox    0   :   0   :/opt/code/repair/hp.laptop.batt    0   fish    :fish
pane    jul18_klipper   2   :archbox    0   :   1   :/opt/code/repair/hp.laptop.batt    1   fish    :fish
pane    jul18_klipper   3   :pi128.printer.cfg  0   :   0   :/Users/capin   0   fish    :fish
pane    jul18_klipper   3   :pi128.printer.cfg  0   :   1   :/Users/capin   1   fish    :fish
pane    jul18_klipper   4   :todos  0   :   0   :/opt/code/github/private/re    1   fish    :fish
pane    jul18_klipper   5   :dots   1   :*  0   :/opt/code/dotfiles 0   nvim    :fish
pane    jul18_klipper   5   :dots   1   :*  1   :/opt/code/dotfiles/terms/tmux/tmux/resurrect   1   ssh :fish
pane    jul18_klipper   5   :dots   1   :*  2   :/opt/code/dotfiles/terms/tmux/tmux/resurrect   0   fish    :fish
pane    jul18_klipper   5   :dots   1   :*  3   :/opt/code/dotfiles 0   fish    :fish
sturob commented 1 year ago

have you got it working on your local machine? not over ssh?

ipatch commented 1 year ago

not sure what i changed, but it's been working for the past couple of months. i run arch on my daily computer now, so not sure if they makes a difference but most if not all ssh sessions restore after loading my previous session.